Growing, up My mom woke us up at 6 am during school season and always had a yummy breakfast on the table. She made the most yummy breakfasts. I loved the Chocolate Cream O Wheat, and her cheese biscuits with Hot Ovaltine to drink... YUM......the only thing was I HATED waking up that early. I would grudgingly eat the delicious food and go back into a deep sleep like I did after breakfast for 45 min (if possible), then get ready for school. I would be so excited for Saturdays (if I didn't have soccer) I'd sleep in until 1:00 pm or later.
I also remember thinking... I can't wait for summer so I can sleep in; and I dread the day when I have to get up early and get my kids breakfast and ready for school. It's funny because I would think about that all the time and how I would hate it to death!!!!
Well My 3 year old is in Preschool and Although I don't get up at 6 to get him ready I still have to do it. I only need to have him at school by 9:00 and I only live 10min away.
What a chore it is to get him up make him go pee in the toilet, get his clothes on ( which He HAS to choose em.... mainly his Green shirt), attempt to get him to eat breakfast ( which he tries to get the potty treats I have above the computer instead of his waffles, or cereal etc.).
Then I change Phoenix's diaper ( which is the hardest thing to do in the world!!!! talk about HOLD STILL) and only put a T-shirt on him because changing his diaper was hard enough... why do I want to try and put on two pieces of clothing after that experience.
ALRIGHT LETS GET IN THE CAR!!!! (Smell.......) Ryker did you poo in your Pull ups? NOOOOOO take off the shoes pull off the pants wipe the ass, put on the new pull up put on the pants and shoes. PHOENIX, NOOOOO where's your diaper!!! He pulls em off all the time! HURRY and wrestle spike to the ground put on his diaper ---- he runs away. Run and grab spike hold him in a barrel position grab ryker and his back pack.!!!!
FINALLY we MADE IT TO THE GARAGE!!!!!!!!!! Now, I just have to make it into the car.
MOMMY MOMMY COTTER COTTER ( rykers word for helicopter). Almost every morning behind our house ;(which is a park the court house and lots of government buildings) A helicopter flies down there and ryker loves it. Ryker doesn't budge until he can't see it anymore. finally the 'Cotter' Is gone!!! Ryker climbs up into his seat and I buckle him in. I finally sit down (dripping with sweat) and turn on the car.
The Mornings down Watson BLVD are super duper busy very traffic-ie and there are a TON of stupid, idiodic, beyond slow drivers; that have never drivin outside of warner robins itself (luckily my little boxcar fits into small spaces so i can cut people off very easily if i'm in a hurry). I love my drives to school after I've gone through the hectic morning Routine.... I turn on the New morning show (Kidd Kradic) and sarinely drive to school with they busy traffic. Did i mention I have killer Road Rage???
It's Amazing after all that goes on in the morning I'm not flipping people off. That happens in the afternoon when I don't feel so hectic to pick up ryker. ( ha ha ha just kidding)
All in All I'm just saying Mothers are Mothers for a reason. Fathers can do what we do (if needed or wanted), But We're the best at it, even if it takes a xanax, a anti depressant and a diet coke