Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Things Every Mom Knows; will know; or Should know

Ok So this is how it is.....

1- Do NOT EVER get in the bath with your Toddler right after he's taken a poo in his Diaper.
     ( you may have wiped his/her bum really really well, but when you are sitting in the bath water and you notice strange brown-tan floaties; You'll feel really nasty that you're sitting in some sort of poop water)

2- Unless you are comfortable with Back-wash..... Do not Share your Drink with a Toddler, unless you want to experience nasty floaties

3-Do not Mop the floor until AFTER lunch ( i can't stress this enough---especially to myself)

4-leave the Plastic-wear Drawer un-babyproofed.   Kids love that drawer more than their toys.

5- save the sturdy plastic kids cups that come with those lids that you'll get at restaurants ..... they are better than sippy cups, and kids think they are more fun

6-If your child is attached to a specific piece of clothing---- Buy another one of them or else you will have a stinky shirt or pants until the weekend.

7-always have a treat or toy handy BEFORE you go into a grocery store or a Target type Store.... it will save you  A LOT of hassle with a bratty child

8- Always Hurry and Put a Diaper on your child (if they aren't potty trained); right after they get out of the bath...... They will pee on the floor or the bed or the towel  etc  

9-For the Holidays... Never put decorations (that are valuable or Glass) on low tables or near the bottom of the christmas tree etc.

10-Get used to your child yelling out something really awkward in awkward situations.  (I.E on a plane or at church---- MOMMY LOOK AT RYKERS BOOBIES!!!   OH MOMMY YOU TOOT!!!)

11-Keep your bras and underwear in the top drawer

12- keep the toilet lids CLOSED!!!!

13- Get a Wireless Mouse (for the computer)---kids are relentless and they will try to get that mouse especially while you are using it.

14- Don't be worried if all your child wants is Nuggets for every meal

15-You can blame your kids for your farts!!!! --- if the Fart is silent!!!!  
(say you are in a public place, you can't hold it in so it seeps out and it smells nasty!!!!   Smell your childs bum and say Ooooo You're poopy aren't you!!!!  Then people will think it was baby, instead of you!!!   saves ALOT of embarrassment 

16- get used to and laugh to Potty jokes!   You are gonna be changing diapers Or you have changed diapers for at least 2 years ( 2 yrs per child)  get used to "EVERYBODY POOPS" 

17- PLUG UP YOUR PLUG/OUTLETS!!!!!  your child WILL eventually stick something "not good" in there!!!!

18- Keep your Camera handy at all times!!!  Kids do the cutest things and you don't want to forget it.

19-  You'd be amazed at what you can fit into a trendy smaller bag rather than a diaper bag---- If you don't want a diaper bag.

20-  If your child is in a "acting horrible in a restaurant" phaze--- Bring a mini DVD player !!! NO JOKE!  or if you have an iPhone or iTouch (which is our personal fave for a restaurant)- bring or load up your kids favorite movie and then you wont have such a squeemish Screamish Child!

21- get used to hearing the SAME movie over and over and over and over and over and over again---- that also goes  with the Backyardigans and their Soundtrack

22- do some sort of Scrapbooking or photobook for each child--- it helps them feel individual and special.   And as a parent you will be amazed at how well you did as a parent (especially if you didn't have high expectations for yourself).

23-your kids will constantly stick things in their mouth ----- just make sure its not the astroglide bottle!!!!! 

Feel Free to add to this list!!! I know I will--- I had a lot more but I had a HUGE Brain Fart 
for mothers and new mothers and older mothers and Grandmothers!!!!  I hope you enjoyed this list.... hopefully it helped!!! Or gave you deja-vu  or brought back great memories!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

what the?????? No way!!!!

I just uploaded a ton of pictures from our Utah Vay- cay. 

I cannot believe how much my boys have grown up.
I'm thinking to myself..... My parents were this young and had kids this age before, and they
saw their grow up, just like I'm seeing mine grow up!!!!

In the pictures I uploaded Ty has a beard and Mustache; in old pics my dad had a Stache!  so i'm thinkin to myself   Someday we are gonna have this family and someday with grandkids, just like My dad!!!!!! My kids are growing soooo fast!!! Wow!!!!---- I'm practically jibbering to death!

my youngest looks like a 2 year old!!! GEE WIZZZZ

Friday, December 12, 2008

No way daddy

I got ryker a treat today.   It was one of those X-treme sour airheads.  Well when Ty got home he asked Ryker if he could have a bite.  Ryker said no daddy.   Tyler said Please?  And ryker says No Way daddy!!

Anyway.  Today was Rykers Audiology Appt.   And he has liquid in his ears so he either has to have tubes or some sort of medicine for about 10 days so try and clear it up.   Ryker is basically hearing like he's underwater.  But The doctor was really shocked at how well he's communicating so that's good.
Poor guy!  I'm excited to help him though.   I wonder what it will be like when he can REALLY hear!!!! 

Hmmmmm We will all be in for a treat or a shock! 

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm gettin Called out by a 3 YR OLD!!!!!!

Do you remember those Granola Bar commercials where the kids say embarrassing things about the parents?

well here it goes

So Last night My neighbors and I went to Olive Garden with my Neighbors.
Ryker had to go potty so I took him.   And when we got back to our table Ryker YELLED (i mean YELLED) I WENT POO!!!!

so I  realized that Ryker is starting to have a BIG MOUTH!!!

Well after dinner last night we had cake and I was pretty gassy.   I went to Rykers Bedroom to let out a fart.   When I came out  Ryker says MARA TOOT!!! OH GEEZE!!!   Thank goodness it was in front of our good friends who already new I didn't care ( but I was still slightly embarrassed).

Today I was on the "pot"  Doin my Bizzatch and Tyler was on the phone with someone from work.   Ryker comes into the bathroom and Yells (and I mean YELLS)  MARA YOU GOIN POO?  GOOD GIRL MARA GOOD GIRL!!!

WHOA!!!!! I really hope that the person on the other end of tylers phone call didn't hear that.
I need to put a muzzle on my Kid!!!!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

HaPPy BirThdAy MaRa!!!

I am 23 going on 13

I was feeling sad the other day because I'm 23yrs old.  I'm taking the kids to preschool and we go on friday play dates etc.  I'm doing Older People stuff, while my friends are in college doing lots of Younger people things.

Well that all changed when I was at Wal- mart with Ty and the boys.  We were checking out and the Cashier says to me- Judging by your wedding ring you're married but you look like you are 13 years old!  

I started to blush and giggle saying oh thank you i feel so young he he he he.... (J/K).
No I started to laugh because It made my day having someone telling me that I look young, so i thought to myself Holy Crap I am young!  So that was a funny/fun little comment that made my pre birthday day!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

CHRISTMAS and Grits Chaos and kids!

      We put our tree up a few days before Thanxgiving but decorated it after.  
Last year Phoenix wasn't quite crawling yet, but he kept getting over to the tree!!  I caught him rolling there, then after he had practiced for a few days he started scooting backward to it.  

      Well Phoenix is walking now, and he can't help himself (he HAS to touch and grab).  We had to "Phoenix-Proof" our tree.  We got Plastic ornaments for the bottom of the tree and we put the nice glass ones on top.  

But if we really Phoenix proofed it there wouldn't be any ornaments on the bottom part of the tree.
Well anyway.... Every year Ty and I get a new ornament for each person.  Ryker chose a lightning McQueen one and We chose for Phoenix ---------
The Abominable Snowman From Rudolf The Rednose Reindeer!   It just fit little Phoenix Perfectly this year; Him trying to grab and destroy all the ornaments from the tree!  

I don't  know if Ty and I will ever learn but we got a train for under the Tree and we decided to put it up tonight.   Well Phoenix (as cute as it was), kept trying to grab the train as it was moving.  Ryker kept saying No NO NEENIX , NO TOUCHIN NEENIX,  NEENIX GO TAKE A NAP.

It's Chaotic but I don't think That I'd change it for a minute

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Washer Monster!!!

Do you ever feel like Someone is Secretly coming into your House and steeling your clothes?   Or The Washing Machine Really is alive and It really does eat your pants?

I feel like that all the time!!! I swear my clothes keep disappearing!    I look in the most craziest places too, because maybe my boys put them in that Crazy place.   So I look in the boys beds and in the Garage, the Pantry and all the obvious places too!    But Its not anywhere to be found, so you come to the conclusion that the Washing Machine ate it Or to be more reasonable Someone is breaking into our house everyday while we are gone doing something, and they steal my favorite socks,pants, shirts and that one shoe!

It drives me crazy!!!   I know it drives everyone else crazy too!  I know it's not just me this is happening too!!