Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am such a dork!!!!

Today We were talking about Toy Story Since ryker has been really into it lately.  We were sitting at the table and I started talking about "Bud Lightyear".    Tyler kept saying Bud lightyear?  I'd say Yes Bud Lightyear!!! I had no clue that I wasn't saying BUZZ lightyear.  I am such a dork!!!

Oh my gosh I saw the most AWESOME MULLET today!!!! It was prolly the best (well worst) one in the whole entire world!!!!!   This guy who was prolly 6ft 5in just strolls down the aisles of Walmart today and Ty and I both looked and we stopped in our tracks and literally we both said WHOA!!!!    Ok so he had brownish greyish hair, and the top of the mullet was a good 5-6 inchs tall in fluff (think of Cramer from Seinfeld) then the sides were fluffy and then this long long tattered Mullet tail!!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!   I feel kinda bad because both ty and I looked at it and then we looked at each other and started laughing Hysterically!!!! Man I wish I had a camera for that.  

you know, I thought that I couldn't be shocked anymore by the people I see down here.  But You walk into the Walmart and You've got a Funky fun surprise everytime you go!!!  
I guess that is one thing thats good about Warner Robins, because you don't really get good stuff like that in Utah.

1 comment:

Clammy said...

Bud lightyear to the rescue!

I wish that I could have seen that guys hair!!!