Well I guess I have been putting this off for a awhile. Well Heres a bit of an update.
Ryker is the Highscorer at his PW-Bumper Bowling league! He got two strikes and two spares in one game !!!! I"m sooo proud! Its funny that - this isn't like soccer or foot ball or track -- but Bowling! Its really cute.
Well So after having Ryker being my Cling-on at church ( for primary)- It's probably a good thing that they asked me to be the Primary Secretary. ha ha ha! It should be pretty funny but I'll do my best.
Today at church the lesson in R.S. was about having prayers answered before you ever even asked the prayer; and how they come in a step by step way to achieve whatever it is you are trying to .-Does that make sense?-
Well in my case. The past few weeks I had been trying to better myself personally and spiritually ( i have been down for a long long time) I thought it was time for me to spiritually boost myself up. Well step by step I was getting better ( listening to my scriptures), doing more with my children, and (a really tough one for me ) being social.
I have never been much of a social person before but a friend asked me over for breakfast the other day and Usually I would say no but I enthusiastically said YES (big step for me)
I said to her I would love to come over. When I went over I noticed many many many Crosses on her walls and in every room- so I asked if she was Catholic. She said yes. And So I said to her- You probably didn't even know this but I'm Mormon And she said REally??? I had no idea!!!
And for some reason my mind was soo clear at what I was able to say ( when she was going to ask questions about our church)-- but usually my mind is cluttered and I wouldn't be able to answer questions or anything. She asked me if We believed in the Holy Trinity and I said Well We Believe that they (in the Trinity are Separate beings- Heavenly Father Jesus Christ and the Holy ghost) and I told her We believe the bible and then I also said somepeople are confused about the BoM. But We believe that its ANOTHER testament of Jesus christ here in the Americas and that it goes Hand in Hand. ..... She said that makes complete sense... because she thought that Mormons just rewrote the bible completely. And that We believe that the Prophet and apostles had been restored back on the earth etc. It was very positive and enlightning experience and to myself to know that I had the guts and the knowledge to say what I knew about the church! Especially with out getting tongue tied. And it was a Positive thing!
I'm proud of myself.
Another step by step---- At Rykers Bowling league there is a little girl named Jordyn on his lane. He little sister was there too. I was cheering on Jordyn a lot and everytime she did really well she came and gave me a sweet hug! And then when her little sister wanted to bowl She started fussin and her mom looked stressed so she put her girl down and she reached her arms out for me and I started playing a little bouncy game on my knee and she was smiling and giggling and laughing!
So I think that these things ( these steps) have been leading up to something- well being a Primary Sec. and Also being so bold to introduce myself to a New woman who was just baptised a few weeks ago--- it turns out that Tyler was her instructor just a few weeks ago!!! Wow another step for me!!!
Now I see why these step by step guides help us! It's pretty crazy to thing of me doing all of these positive things in my life right now.