Saturday, March 14, 2009


It's always fun to Rhyme with Peoples names.   So We always Rhymed with Rykers name: Ryker the Hiker, Striker, Biker.

But whenever we Said Ryker the Striker We always thought that, we would be saying it at his Soccer games, or Football games, or Baseball games.

But It gives new meaning Now that he's like a 3 yr old professional bowler. ha ha ha

Its sooo cute.  He is sooo serious about it too.  He grabs his red ball ; He walks up a bit, then Pauses, then Runs up and LETS the ball Roll.    

All though they all have bumpers Most of the time his ball just goes straight down the center of the lane.   It's shocking at how well he does for a 3yr old.   He gets at least one strike every saturday and a good 3-4 spares!  

I'm not a soccer mom!!! I'm a Bowling Mom ha  ha ha ha.    I'm sooo proud!!!

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