Yesterday was going pretty smoothly. I only had one more day till Ty got home. All I had to do was Survive Friday without any incident. It was going to be a busy day and The boys would be pooped when we were all done.
I got up with the boys and went to the gym and then ran some errands, then went to Mc D's with a good friend and her kids. The day was good; I mean, there was whining and fussing but, no more than the norm-so I could handle it.
By the time we got home it was 2:00 and the boys were oober tired and ready for naptime!!!
Yay!!! Both of the boys went in their rooms without a fuss!
I didn't hear anything from either boy at all! It was sooo nice!
My plan to stay busy all morning worked! Almost home free! Ty would be home in 23 hours. Now I just had to survive post nap time and dinner then I'm home free!!!
But during my relaxation time, I started to smell a Mint type smell. It started getting stronger and stronger and then I could put my finger to what the smell, smelled like.... it smelled like and Icy-hot smell.
We don't have Icy-hot; what smells like Icy-hot??? OH NO. Desitin ointment smells like Icy-hot!!!!!
I ran to Rykers bedroom - The Source of the Smell!!! I opened his door and found him covered HEAD to TOE in Desitin Cream! It was also smeared all over his Headboard and some blankets!
Thank goodness for my Lax day or else I would have been in another Rage of Fury. Ryker, did you make a Mess???? Yes mommy Ryker makin a Mess.
I laughed my butt off and ran to grab the camera.
I took a few pictures and then started a bath for ryker.
Wow! That stuff really doesn't come off!! It took me soooo long to get it off!!! I washed him over and over and over again! It's still in his hair! And I started Smelling like Desitin, then my arms started to feel cool and tingly!
Our house smelled like desitin for the rest of the day. Thankfully it's now only smelling like that in Ryker's room.
right now it's 1:30 Ryker is in his bedroom for nap time. I need to get tyler at 3. Lets hope nothing happens in an Hour and a half!!
Holy Cow, Ryker is a little stinker!!!
I hope you have fun on vacation. Loves Ya All
OMG!!! Sorry, but I have to laugh about this one! Desitin!? That stuff is meant to not come off!! Oh dear! ha ha! Glad you got pictures of it! =)
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