Well Thats me in the red tanktop about to make my "Kill"- A kill is when you pass someone during your run-
This was my first time EVER running more than 4 consecutive miles- it was my first run of the Ragnar day 7.7 Miles- I ran it in 1hr 10 min approx.
I ran it doing intervals (walk run, walk run,) I passed sooo many people who just ran the entire way... because of my mild recoveries i was able to run a little bit faster and sometimes walk as fast as people ran/jogged.
I trained myself hard for this years ragnar specifically for this 7.7 - i did running drills in the pool and then i'd jump outta the pool and run up the hill then I'd jump back into the pool and do crossfit type workouts such as box jumps and pistols (single legged squats).
I pushed myself until my legs buckled out from under me.
You don't just All of a sudden have this "Train of thought" to want to go train or workout you push yourself to think it.
It's all in Your mind on how far you are willing to go to achieve the things you want.
It starts little by little! the train of thought goes like this
1- I want to get in shape
2- I'm gonna get in shape
3- I'm gonna exercise today
4- Do I really wanna exercise today?
5- Ya I do want to exercise but i feel lazy, so many other things i could do (but wont)
6- just put your F****** running shoes on
7-ok I put my running shoes on
8-OOOOhh my favorite Show is on TV/Netflix
9-ok i'm not gonna go running/ workout - but at least i intended too and I even got my shoes on
10-DAMNIT! I SHOULDA RAN! Now i feel mad at myself
11- its still not too late to run!
12-rationalize -but its late need to put kids in bed, make dinner, laundry, im just plain tired etc etc etc
13-Next 3 Days repeat steps 1-12
14 - day 4 repeat steps 1-3 but change step 4 into- well of course i DONT want to exercise nobody WANTS to exercise but i'm gonna do it anyway
15-put my shoes on
16- update ipod list
17- tell kids to shut up, don't fight, sit down and watch that movie till mama is back from her run
18- RUN
19 - tell yourself-I'm proud of myself for getting out of my mind so i could accomplish my goal
20- repeat steps 15,17,18,20
21- tell kids you love them and thank you for letting mama do her thing
22- repeat steps 19,20,21 over and over and over
You HAVE TO DEFEAT YOUR MIND in order to be fit and healthy- if it was EASY EVERYONE WOULD DO IT- lazy is too easy, and I deserve to be challenged
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