Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HELLO, Its not 2004 anymore!!!

This summer we had some neighbors over and we had a fire in our driveway, and ate food and roasted marshmallows.
We had the ipod in the speaker doc and we listened to music and ate and had fun!!!

Well one of my neighbors ( the crazy cross the street neighbor), said she had a great CD and asked if we had a CD player.
Ty and I were like heck NO! ( we did but we sold em in a garage sale and if we need to listen to a CD we put it in a DVD player or the car to listen.) She was like you don't have a CD player!!! We were like No we Have ipods- what Century are you living in? Even my Grandma has an Ipod and she's almost 90!!! No need for using CD's anymore, except for loading them onto the computer.

Anyway So I don't know why I was thinking about that the other day but I was; and I started thinking I remember when it was HUGE that my parents had a CD player and not just a tape player! I also remember when DVD's came out! I was in JR. High!
Didn't the ipod come out in about late 04 or in O5? Well Since then, there has been the basic ipod, then the nano, the shuffle, then the video ipod, and then the itouch and the iphone etc; all with upgraded models!! Isn't funny how fast technology is changing!!!

And how we react to the old but still current stuff like CD's. What's next? Movies on Memory sticks and just sticking it in the TV?
Or cell phones in our sunglasses and glasses and we can see the screen on our lenses? Who knows Technology has changed a ton just since 2000.

Just something fun to think about

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