Well Halloween is my favorite Holiday! Its just the fun fall feeling that's going around I love it!!!!
Well As I was wondering why Halloween was my favorite Holiday i looked at my cousin Sara's Blog and She wrote what she loved about Halloween so I will too--not in any specific order of favorites
1- I absolutely Love Haunted Houses!!! I have ever since I was like 8 years old- You are on a super fun Edge the whole time and its fun knowing that something is gonna be around the corner. Then the possibility of losing your voice is always fun; and the next morning people ask you what happened.... and you nonchalantly say ' Oh I was just at a Haunted house last night...'
2-Scary movies----Old classic scary movies like in Black and White- They definatley set me in the Halloween spirit. But The two Halloween movies that I MUST watch every year are HOCUS POCUS!!!! And The Nightmare Before Christmas I love those movies; They are so much fun to watch
3-The song: THE MONSTER MASH!!!!! need I say more ha ha ha ha ha
4-(cliche but true) CANDY CANDY CANDY
5-All Halloween Decorations!!!! And Costumes!!!!
6- Baked Pumpkin Seeds!!!
7- Cheezy Billboards that say stuff like- "Is your hair 'SCARY '? Come in and we will make you BOOTIFUL"; "is your car 'AFRIGHT' We'll clean it for you" etc.
8-All of the fun Fall festivities like Trunk or Treating and stuff like that.
9-The cute school projects that come home!
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