My life... the ups and the downs the ins and the outs.... there really isn't any editing... its just my life as I see it.
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008
1980's-1990's -perms and Mullets
I've been watching Pretty in Pink, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and 16 Candles, Better off Dead, and The Goonies. etc.... (those movies are kind of a comfort... i dunno why).
So, I've come to the conclusion that the Perms, the Big Bangs, Blue mascara and Eye shadow, the styles ;ALL OF IT... was the cause of the Great Wall of China being built!!!
Now I know that it was built 100's of years ago but,some how those Buddhist monks saw the western Culture and had a vision of the 1980's and knew that they would someday follow our lead in the fashion world! So any possible way that they could postpone that happening to their culture would be the best thing.
The 1980's in general was just a horrible Earth Quake of Ugly (maybe that's when Scientology was 'created' hmmm, just a thought)
If you don't agree with, me ask yourself this.... Did you ever sport the Mullet or a Poofy Perm? Do you or did you know anyone that had a mullet and or Perm (yes both together). And, how ginormous were those Shoulder pads?? Did you like the Rose Musk perfume?
even the Early 1990's (until the movie Clueless came out)fashion, was pretty Ug.
My sister Megan Wore Tights Under her Shorts (I'm also guilty). I wore Stirrups with tie die shirts, saddle shoes, And Ginormous Big thick Brown Framed perscription Glasses ( my mom said they were really cute on me). I had Friends that Had Really Fluffy big Bangs, and I was Jealous of them (I'm obviously not anymore)
Do you remember the High waisted Mom Pant that came up over Mom's Bladder/uterous and they were tapered at the bottom of the pants to show off poof rigded white socks and brown shoes(Did Dolce and Gabanna think those up)?
Oh, and you know those Pants From 'RexKwon doe' From Napoleon Dynamite??? Those pants, those pants, those pants. My Brothers had those pants. It was Fabric that looked liked they were Spray Painted With Fluorescent Green, Pink, orange etc.
Who came up with those, Versace?
As Much as the 1980's-early 1990's were totally ugly; its an era that can deffinately help us in the future. And It's always there in Remembrance for those days we need a good laugh - or to be humiliated by a highschool picture.
Thanks for reading. Just thought of writing something other than tylers deployment bla bla bla
Friday, July 25, 2008
Diet coke Anyone???
Well last night was the first night with out Tyler being here. I let Ryker sleep with me in our KING sized bed. But With Ryker in it, it felt like sharing a Twin sized bed. That little stinker kept me awake. I need a diet coke ( the Mormon Coffee). I'm listening to Justin Nozuka- after tonight. --- because after tonight i'm gonna need a nap in the morning he he
Well lets see.... Ryker has been doing very well with his potty training and going PEE in the potty. He even woke up last night and went pee and came back to bed. But when it Comes to POO.... OMG KILL ME. I've washed 3 pairs of Thomas the Train underwear as they werecasualties of war with Rykers poopshoop. I've thrown away two Brave Soldiers ( spiderman and a plain white pair of underwear). They were so brave... they both said to me: don't put your other laundry at risk on our account, we are too damaged. I agreed so I put them to rest in our outside Garbage can. They were officially laid to rest at the dump yesterday afternoon ( imagine hearing the song Taps). I just don't understand why he wont go poop on the pot! Oh well at least it will keep me busy... I also need to go rent a carpet cleaner ( for other reasons than poop)
Anyway, Last night I thought I heard some noise outside; apparently Dexter ( my huge German shepherd) did too, because he started barking (his very furious sounding bark) and the noise outside stopped. I feel totally safe with my big ole puppy.
Does it ever feel like after you've cleaned every inch of your house there are still toys everywhere??? It feels like a zoo (now i'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel-at the zoo.... some how feels fitting)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
is it a dream? or REALITY

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I'm mormonish

Sunday, July 20, 2008

This is officially my first post.
Well, Tyler is leaving on thursday officially for his 4th deployment.
Although, I'm used to it... it never gets any easier to say goodbye.
I love listening to music... when tyler deploys I listen to it alllllll the time. It helps my mood.
And helps me decide what mood i'm gonna be in at that moment (yup i'm that indecisive:-)
I'm listening to Yael Niam- New Soul. Look it up, you may like it.