Good morning!!!
two nights ago I was kinda in a panic, I'd been trying to get my 3 year old to potty train, for over 6 months (approx)! I wouldn't be panicked exept he's supposed to be potty trained for his next year of preschool which starts in about 2-3 weeks ( Aug 11).
well i was listening to some calming music ( michael nyman- the piano soundtrack) and it Popped into my head!!!
the grand idea
I grabbed my One year old and took off his diaper and sat him down on the trainer potty. And I said good job Phoenix!!! Well Ryker saw it and Practically pushed him off of the little potty and took of his trainers and went pee in the potty!
The next day ryker went and got his Thomas the train big boy underwear and put it on and kept them dry. He went to the potty as needed and he even went to Walmart and kept em dry! And today He kept em dry and he's gone to the potty all by him self all day!!!
I'm hoping that i'm not dreaming!!!
I've finally had some mercy put on my head!!!! ( which i'm listening too now Mercy- by Duffy)
You are actually doing great with potty training! Boys can take until 4 years of age!!!
Suprising enough Porter was 4 I was worried him being in a pull up until kindergarten. I think Kaiden was almost 4 too. He was alittle easier.
I love girls with the potty training thing. It's been so nice and easy!!!
Way to go Big Guy!!!It's cool to potty.
What a great idea! You are a genious and tell Ryker Hurray for us!
"Mommy, wow! I'm a big kid now!"
And that picture is hillarious!
Hurray!! Brenen was about 31/2 before being potty trained, so your doing good. has he pooped in the toilet yet? that was the hard part with Bren. Good job
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