Friday, July 25, 2008

Diet coke Anyone???

Well last night was the first night with out Tyler being here. I let Ryker sleep with me in our KING sized bed. But With Ryker in it, it felt like sharing a Twin sized bed. That little stinker kept me awake. I need a diet coke ( the Mormon Coffee). I'm listening to Justin Nozuka- after tonight. --- because after tonight i'm gonna need a nap in the morning he he

Well lets see.... Ryker has been doing very well with his potty training and going PEE in the potty. He even woke up last night and went pee and came back to bed. But when it Comes to POO.... OMG KILL ME. I've washed 3 pairs of Thomas the Train underwear as they werecasualties of war with Rykers poopshoop. I've thrown away two Brave Soldiers ( spiderman and a plain white pair of underwear). They were so brave... they both said to me: don't put your other laundry at risk on our account, we are too damaged. I agreed so I put them to rest in our outside Garbage can. They were officially laid to rest at the dump yesterday afternoon ( imagine hearing the song Taps). I just don't understand why he wont go poop on the pot! Oh well at least it will keep me busy... I also need to go rent a carpet cleaner ( for other reasons than poop)

Anyway, Last night I thought I heard some noise outside; apparently Dexter ( my huge German shepherd) did too, because he started barking (his very furious sounding bark) and the noise outside stopped. I feel totally safe with my big ole puppy.

Does it ever feel like after you've cleaned every inch of your house there are still toys everywhere??? It feels like a zoo (now i'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel-at the zoo.... some how feels fitting)

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