Sunday, July 27, 2008


these are a few experiences from me that I've had in the past year and still counting

You know you're a mom when

1- you wake up with your childs naked bum in your face, and proceeds to sit on it

2- when you find pebbles of poo on the floor and you're almost not even shocked

3-when your child is messier after his/her bath than before the bath

4-when you wake up smelling like peanut butter

5-when you realise that you made your kids chicken nuggets for both breakfast lunch and dinner 3 days in a row

6-when you look forward to your annual gyno appointment, just to take a break from your kids

7-when you start singing the songs from your kids favorite tv shows

8-when you are sick of shrek, bee movie, happy feet etc.

9-when you sit down to relax when kids are taking a nap and you are too lazy to turn off shrek, bee movie, happy feet etc; so you watch it

10- when going to target is getting your kids out of the house.

11-when you go to bed and there are cracker crumbs everywhere

12-when you can't seem to clean up all of those toys because the kids keep getting em out right after you put some away

13-when your one year old knows how to open the pantry door and get out the garbage

14- when it gets to quiet you know something, Not good, is happening, right at that very moment

15-when you have a clogged toilet from a tennis ball and not from poo

16- when you see your child peeing into the empty bath tub, or in the yard

17- when you go to wal mart with your kids in a t-shirt and diaper (no pants)

18- when your kids are wearing the same clothes from the previous day and they slept in them but they still look alright so you leave them on em.

19-when you come home and you take a whiff, and realise you forgot to throw away that poopy diaper.

20-when your dish washer is filled with only sippy cups and bottles

21-when Play House Disney is over, you find yourself watching Hannah Montana and you Like it

22-when you ignore that loud banging- if it's not glass being broken, no harm no fowl.

23- when you keep smelling something and then you realise its your armpit- you need a shower and haven't had one in 2-3 days

24-you have marker and pen drawn all over your your arms and legs.

25- when the pen scribbles all over the wall suddenly doesn't look so bad

26-when you are going out for ice cream at 10 in the morning

27-when the people at Burger King know you from the previous day(s)

28- did I feed my kids? is the Floor messy? Yes , I fed my kids.


30- when your normal voice is a yelling voice

31-when you have to stock up on Ketchup and Ovaltine

32-when you find yourself sprinting outside, to catch the ice cream man -for yourself not the kids

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome Kiki!
I think I may have to add the "you know you're a mom when..." to my next journal. That is fun.