Ok So this is how it is.....
My life... the ups and the downs the ins and the outs.... there really isn't any editing... its just my life as I see it.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Things Every Mom Knows; will know; or Should know
Ok So this is how it is.....
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
what the?????? No way!!!!
I just uploaded a ton of pictures from our Utah Vay- cay.
Friday, December 12, 2008
No way daddy
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I'm gettin Called out by a 3 YR OLD!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I am 23 going on 13

I was feeling sad the other day because I'm 23yrs old. I'm taking the kids to preschool and we go on friday play dates etc. I'm doing Older People stuff, while my friends are in college doing lots of Younger people things.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
CHRISTMAS and Grits Chaos and kids!

We put our tree up a few days before Thanxgiving but decorated it after.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Washer Monster!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
turkey legs and candy canes
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I am such a dork!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
What do you think about that????
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'M SHOCKED!!!!! and I don't shock easily!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
cold schmold.... I GOTS THIS
Well The past week and a half The boys and I have had a cold. If I have the same cold that the boys do.... Then they are doing a HECK of a lot better than I am! Isn't it amazing How Kids can be sick, but just act so happy and run and play and run and play!!!! They are like little magic people that don't care about their symptoms.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween fun, is finally DONE happy NOVEMBER
Well For Halloween! Ryker was Napoleon Dynamite and Anthony was Pedro!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
unethical? I don't think so..... Part 2!!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Unethical? I don't think so.....
So We live in Warner Robins GA, and there isn't much to do here. Well every now then we'd go check out the Car lots and look at cars that we'd like and that we'd love to have someday. We noticed that The car salesmen hunt you down and sidle up to you, and when they see anyone drive up they put on their Vulture Gear and try to get to you.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
HELLO, Its not 2004 anymore!!!
We had the ipod in the speaker doc and we listened to music and ate and had fun!!!
Well one of my neighbors ( the crazy cross the street neighbor), said she had a great CD and asked if we had a CD player.
Ty and I were like heck NO! ( we did but we sold em in a garage sale and if we need to listen to a CD we put it in a DVD player or the car to listen.) She was like you don't have a CD player!!! We were like No we Have ipods- what Century are you living in? Even my Grandma has an Ipod and she's almost 90!!! No need for using CD's anymore, except for loading them onto the computer.
Anyway So I don't know why I was thinking about that the other day but I was; and I started thinking I remember when it was HUGE that my parents had a CD player and not just a tape player! I also remember when DVD's came out! I was in JR. High!
Didn't the ipod come out in about late 04 or in O5? Well Since then, there has been the basic ipod, then the nano, the shuffle, then the video ipod, and then the itouch and the iphone etc; all with upgraded models!! Isn't funny how fast technology is changing!!!
And how we react to the old but still current stuff like CD's. What's next? Movies on Memory sticks and just sticking it in the TV?
Or cell phones in our sunglasses and glasses and we can see the screen on our lenses? Who knows Technology has changed a ton just since 2000.
Just something fun to think about
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
my favorite things about Halloween
Well Halloween is my favorite Holiday! Its just the fun fall feeling that's going around I love it!!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
im BACK in GA
I'm back here in GA. We got back this afternoon.... Its nice to sit in my bed and Write this on our Mac.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Its comin to an End
Its Kinda sad but a relief to get back to life. And I'm very eager to see my Dog Dexter( I miss him sooo much).
Ryker will start School again and Tyler will go back to work... and I will avoid my Crazy Neighbor with all Costs.... Actually I think that I'm gonna try and Set em up and get him in Jail ( any Ideas) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ---I'm sooo mean!!! the sad thing is... you all think I'm kidding huh)
Today My son (ryker-3) Climbed and Repelled with papa ( my dad). I'm so proud of him!!! He's the age I started climbing and Repelling... but I learned on a Really tall tree... Ryker got to learn on a Real Mountain!!!
And a Few weeks ago we Took the boys a Bus& Trax Ride With My father-in-Law.
It's Been sooo fun Taking the boys out to do what Tyler and I did when we were little. I'm soo Glad that They enjoy it as much as we did too.
One thing Ryker has Learned to say was 'Shut Up' (oops!!). And I kept telling everyone that I didn't know where he learned it from or he learned it from Tyler. And We started putting him in timeout if he kept saying it. Well tonight while wathing the Pres. Debate; I said to the TV 'OH SHUT UP'.... then Ryker started laughing and said while laughing OH SHUT UP OH SHUT UP!!!
OOPSIE DAISY!!!! My bad! ha ha ha. I guess I have to own up to part of it now!!!
anyway I'm getting tired....
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
He's here he's finally here
Its kinda funny because Now that he's back its almost like he never left... like we picked up where we left off! Even though of Course thats not how it went down!!! That Deployment SUCKED!!!! But its sooo nice to finally have him home. And Ryker is Clinging to him like a Clingon- not like the ones on Star Trek either... i mean the other kind ha ha ha.
Well its short and sweet but I'm glad the love of my life is back and well
Monday, October 6, 2008
Yummy Dinner!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Little Einsteins, Diego, Dora the Explorer
What's funny about that though is; the Backyardigans. They are Animals and they just play in their back yards and Use their Imaginations!!! Good safe fun!!!
So are Animals more intelligent as parents that us ( humans???) Is that what these cartoons are sayin? Hmmmmm? Somebody tell me because I'm Curious!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Random Questions---HAVE YOU EVER???

Friday, August 29, 2008
MOM JUST 5 more min!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008
my life as an adult drama queen

I have this crazy New neighbor that lives across the street. We've all met a person like my across the street neighbor---very Narcissistic ( even though very UN-attractive), everything is always about them, everything needs to be done for them, if you do something really nice for them it's never good enough, very paranoid and much much more. Well I had been watching soap operas ( i know i know you don't need to say anything), until I met this person). She kept calling me all the time which was and is completely annoying, but she had all these outrageous stories ;some true, some totally NOT true ( but I pretended to believe it) because she was so entertaining. But not in the way you think. Its just fun when you know someone is lying, because it just makes them look soooo stupid.... like in the events below.She's trying to keep up with the Jones' ,but the funny part is She's using Tyler and I as her "Jones" Family. I find that hilarious, since we are military and we don't make jack squat in $$$.And from what she tells me they make a whole LOT OF IT. But if you went over to her house, you'd BEG to differ ( and then you'd realise that she was lying).At first I felt sorry for her, she doesn't want people to know they don't have alot of money, She tells me almost everyday that her husband doesn't love her and she hates him, and she's looking for a reason for a divorce. But then after a few weeks of getting to know them. I don't feel sorry for her at all, I don't even pity her. And instead of staying away from her crazy behaviour I decided to use it for my own personal entertainment.(Its sooo wrong but I have to talk about it I HAVE TO.)So anyway She'd tell me how much her and her husband hated each other, and she told me how he came here from Guatemala from a work visa, and when it expired he went back to Guatemala . But then he came back here Illegally, all for her ( but if you saw her, you'd be like really, for you???). Then he Knocked her up and then they got married when she was like 8 months preggers.Hmmmm I wonder why he came back????? GREEN CARD ANYONE--Although she doesn't admit it, she has to know that's the only reason why he married her;he's definitely a hell of a lot better looking than she is.(i know i'm totally rude)So anyway one morning she called me and asked if she could come over; i said sure and then she began to tell me That she slept with her husbands brother! I literally was speechless ( not because its adultery, but because EWE (and again) REALLY?Every morning or whenever she would just pop on over to my house and tell more and more of this story and so much of it was OBVIOUSLY STRETCHING the Truth, it was hard to contain my excitement for my own real life Soap opera. I thought you couldn't make this stuff up but apparently you can.Well after her husband went to court for 3 DUI's ( and didn't even go to jail btw), she told me that he found out about her little alleged affair. In my mind i couldn't get anymore excited, it was like the beginning of the second season of a great new TV show. She was starting to tell me that her husbands cousin was now hitting on her, trying to get some action ( it was really hard for me to contain my laughter, but i did it). Then she said that One night after they had all been drinking that her husband beat the crap out of his friend.... for fliriting with her. a few days later she then said, that same night this friend took advantage of her, I said I though your husband be the crap out of him so i left.... she tried to manipulate the story into her "getting raped". I know it was a lie, too many twists and turns and nothing made sense. But it was so entertaining i let it be.So anyway after all that, her Affair story started to get boring and dumb and she was telling me the same things over and over again. So that was that.about two weeks ago she had invited me over for dinner. She asked me to bring over a queso dip that she liked and broiling pans. She told me that she was making jalepeno poppers ( I had given her the recipe). Well the plan was I would go over at 6ish for dinner. I told her not to worry about making anything for my boys (since they are picky and they eat fairly early). Well she didn't even get home until 7. She calls me and says in a rushed voice, are you ever comin over? And I'm like ya, I was just waiting for you!!!So i get over there and she hands me the ingredients for the jalepenos! So i said do you want me to put this over here? She said ya you can start makin em over there. I was shocked, because she invited me over for dinner , i didn't think i had to acutally MAKE IT. So i was like okay. And the thing about the Jalepenos, they are very tedious to make! you have to cut em in half, de seed and de vein, dry em, then stuff em and wrap with bacon. Its very time consuming. So I made em and it took like 45 min. so it was like 7:45 ( my boys go to bed at 8;30-9 ish). In the mean time she was making pizzas out of pilsbury biscuits and she was making alot of em and so i asked are there alot of people coming over and she said no. then she asked ryker if he wanted one and I said he already ate, she looked at me like she was gonna kill me then she said WELL I BETTER STOP MAKING THESE THEN. So i reminded her that she wasn't supposed to make food for my boys. then she asked me Where is the queso? I left it on my counter! I said I'll hurry and go get it and she said (very annoyed) Fine go get it. It took all but two seconds. I get back and she says Where are the chips? I said You only told me to bring over the queso!!! She said I guess i better go to the convient store and get some chips. so she went and got some but by the time she got back it was like 9:00, my boys were crying and were sooo tired. I said I have to take my boys home. She said are you coming back??? I said no they have to go to sleep. Then she said well I want to borrow a movie. Ok fine come over and borrow one. No why dont you choose one and bring it over? No, i have to put my kids down to sleep! well it will be easier for you since you're gonna be over there already. BUT I"M PUTTING MY KIDS TO BED, i said fine so i got a movie and took it over.see what a wack a doo!!! despite how crazy she is--- i never get sick of telling that story.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
a Warm Awakening
Monday, August 11, 2008
50 things about moi!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008
1980's-1990's -perms and Mullets
I've been watching Pretty in Pink, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and 16 Candles, Better off Dead, and The Goonies. etc.... (those movies are kind of a comfort... i dunno why).
So, I've come to the conclusion that the Perms, the Big Bangs, Blue mascara and Eye shadow, the styles ;ALL OF IT... was the cause of the Great Wall of China being built!!!
Now I know that it was built 100's of years ago but,some how those Buddhist monks saw the western Culture and had a vision of the 1980's and knew that they would someday follow our lead in the fashion world! So any possible way that they could postpone that happening to their culture would be the best thing.
The 1980's in general was just a horrible Earth Quake of Ugly (maybe that's when Scientology was 'created' hmmm, just a thought)
If you don't agree with, me ask yourself this.... Did you ever sport the Mullet or a Poofy Perm? Do you or did you know anyone that had a mullet and or Perm (yes both together). And, how ginormous were those Shoulder pads?? Did you like the Rose Musk perfume?
even the Early 1990's (until the movie Clueless came out)fashion, was pretty Ug.
My sister Megan Wore Tights Under her Shorts (I'm also guilty). I wore Stirrups with tie die shirts, saddle shoes, And Ginormous Big thick Brown Framed perscription Glasses ( my mom said they were really cute on me). I had Friends that Had Really Fluffy big Bangs, and I was Jealous of them (I'm obviously not anymore)
Do you remember the High waisted Mom Pant that came up over Mom's Bladder/uterous and they were tapered at the bottom of the pants to show off poof rigded white socks and brown shoes(Did Dolce and Gabanna think those up)?
Oh, and you know those Pants From 'RexKwon doe' From Napoleon Dynamite??? Those pants, those pants, those pants. My Brothers had those pants. It was Fabric that looked liked they were Spray Painted With Fluorescent Green, Pink, orange etc.
Who came up with those, Versace?
As Much as the 1980's-early 1990's were totally ugly; its an era that can deffinately help us in the future. And It's always there in Remembrance for those days we need a good laugh - or to be humiliated by a highschool picture.
Thanks for reading. Just thought of writing something other than tylers deployment bla bla bla
Friday, July 25, 2008
Diet coke Anyone???
Well last night was the first night with out Tyler being here. I let Ryker sleep with me in our KING sized bed. But With Ryker in it, it felt like sharing a Twin sized bed. That little stinker kept me awake. I need a diet coke ( the Mormon Coffee). I'm listening to Justin Nozuka- after tonight. --- because after tonight i'm gonna need a nap in the morning he he
Well lets see.... Ryker has been doing very well with his potty training and going PEE in the potty. He even woke up last night and went pee and came back to bed. But when it Comes to POO.... OMG KILL ME. I've washed 3 pairs of Thomas the Train underwear as they werecasualties of war with Rykers poopshoop. I've thrown away two Brave Soldiers ( spiderman and a plain white pair of underwear). They were so brave... they both said to me: don't put your other laundry at risk on our account, we are too damaged. I agreed so I put them to rest in our outside Garbage can. They were officially laid to rest at the dump yesterday afternoon ( imagine hearing the song Taps). I just don't understand why he wont go poop on the pot! Oh well at least it will keep me busy... I also need to go rent a carpet cleaner ( for other reasons than poop)
Anyway, Last night I thought I heard some noise outside; apparently Dexter ( my huge German shepherd) did too, because he started barking (his very furious sounding bark) and the noise outside stopped. I feel totally safe with my big ole puppy.
Does it ever feel like after you've cleaned every inch of your house there are still toys everywhere??? It feels like a zoo (now i'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel-at the zoo.... some how feels fitting)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
is it a dream? or REALITY

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I'm mormonish