Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Things Every Mom Knows; will know; or Should know

Ok So this is how it is.....

1- Do NOT EVER get in the bath with your Toddler right after he's taken a poo in his Diaper.
     ( you may have wiped his/her bum really really well, but when you are sitting in the bath water and you notice strange brown-tan floaties; You'll feel really nasty that you're sitting in some sort of poop water)

2- Unless you are comfortable with Back-wash..... Do not Share your Drink with a Toddler, unless you want to experience nasty floaties

3-Do not Mop the floor until AFTER lunch ( i can't stress this enough---especially to myself)

4-leave the Plastic-wear Drawer un-babyproofed.   Kids love that drawer more than their toys.

5- save the sturdy plastic kids cups that come with those lids that you'll get at restaurants ..... they are better than sippy cups, and kids think they are more fun

6-If your child is attached to a specific piece of clothing---- Buy another one of them or else you will have a stinky shirt or pants until the weekend.

7-always have a treat or toy handy BEFORE you go into a grocery store or a Target type Store.... it will save you  A LOT of hassle with a bratty child

8- Always Hurry and Put a Diaper on your child (if they aren't potty trained); right after they get out of the bath...... They will pee on the floor or the bed or the towel  etc  

9-For the Holidays... Never put decorations (that are valuable or Glass) on low tables or near the bottom of the christmas tree etc.

10-Get used to your child yelling out something really awkward in awkward situations.  (I.E on a plane or at church---- MOMMY LOOK AT RYKERS BOOBIES!!!   OH MOMMY YOU TOOT!!!)

11-Keep your bras and underwear in the top drawer

12- keep the toilet lids CLOSED!!!!

13- Get a Wireless Mouse (for the computer)---kids are relentless and they will try to get that mouse especially while you are using it.

14- Don't be worried if all your child wants is Nuggets for every meal

15-You can blame your kids for your farts!!!! --- if the Fart is silent!!!!  
(say you are in a public place, you can't hold it in so it seeps out and it smells nasty!!!!   Smell your childs bum and say Ooooo You're poopy aren't you!!!!  Then people will think it was baby, instead of you!!!   saves ALOT of embarrassment 

16- get used to and laugh to Potty jokes!   You are gonna be changing diapers Or you have changed diapers for at least 2 years ( 2 yrs per child)  get used to "EVERYBODY POOPS" 

17- PLUG UP YOUR PLUG/OUTLETS!!!!!  your child WILL eventually stick something "not good" in there!!!!

18- Keep your Camera handy at all times!!!  Kids do the cutest things and you don't want to forget it.

19-  You'd be amazed at what you can fit into a trendy smaller bag rather than a diaper bag---- If you don't want a diaper bag.

20-  If your child is in a "acting horrible in a restaurant" phaze--- Bring a mini DVD player !!! NO JOKE!  or if you have an iPhone or iTouch (which is our personal fave for a restaurant)- bring or load up your kids favorite movie and then you wont have such a squeemish Screamish Child!

21- get used to hearing the SAME movie over and over and over and over and over and over again---- that also goes  with the Backyardigans and their Soundtrack

22- do some sort of Scrapbooking or photobook for each child--- it helps them feel individual and special.   And as a parent you will be amazed at how well you did as a parent (especially if you didn't have high expectations for yourself).

23-your kids will constantly stick things in their mouth ----- just make sure its not the astroglide bottle!!!!! 

Feel Free to add to this list!!! I know I will--- I had a lot more but I had a HUGE Brain Fart 
for mothers and new mothers and older mothers and Grandmothers!!!!  I hope you enjoyed this list.... hopefully it helped!!! Or gave you deja-vu  or brought back great memories!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

what the?????? No way!!!!

I just uploaded a ton of pictures from our Utah Vay- cay. 

I cannot believe how much my boys have grown up.
I'm thinking to myself..... My parents were this young and had kids this age before, and they
saw their grow up, just like I'm seeing mine grow up!!!!

In the pictures I uploaded Ty has a beard and Mustache; in old pics my dad had a Stache!  so i'm thinkin to myself   Someday we are gonna have this family and someday with grandkids, just like My dad!!!!!! My kids are growing soooo fast!!! Wow!!!!---- I'm practically jibbering to death!

my youngest looks like a 2 year old!!! GEE WIZZZZ

Friday, December 12, 2008

No way daddy

I got ryker a treat today.   It was one of those X-treme sour airheads.  Well when Ty got home he asked Ryker if he could have a bite.  Ryker said no daddy.   Tyler said Please?  And ryker says No Way daddy!!

Anyway.  Today was Rykers Audiology Appt.   And he has liquid in his ears so he either has to have tubes or some sort of medicine for about 10 days so try and clear it up.   Ryker is basically hearing like he's underwater.  But The doctor was really shocked at how well he's communicating so that's good.
Poor guy!  I'm excited to help him though.   I wonder what it will be like when he can REALLY hear!!!! 

Hmmmmm We will all be in for a treat or a shock! 

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm gettin Called out by a 3 YR OLD!!!!!!

Do you remember those Granola Bar commercials where the kids say embarrassing things about the parents?

well here it goes

So Last night My neighbors and I went to Olive Garden with my Neighbors.
Ryker had to go potty so I took him.   And when we got back to our table Ryker YELLED (i mean YELLED) I WENT POO!!!!

so I  realized that Ryker is starting to have a BIG MOUTH!!!

Well after dinner last night we had cake and I was pretty gassy.   I went to Rykers Bedroom to let out a fart.   When I came out  Ryker says MARA TOOT!!! OH GEEZE!!!   Thank goodness it was in front of our good friends who already new I didn't care ( but I was still slightly embarrassed).

Today I was on the "pot"  Doin my Bizzatch and Tyler was on the phone with someone from work.   Ryker comes into the bathroom and Yells (and I mean YELLS)  MARA YOU GOIN POO?  GOOD GIRL MARA GOOD GIRL!!!

WHOA!!!!! I really hope that the person on the other end of tylers phone call didn't hear that.
I need to put a muzzle on my Kid!!!!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

HaPPy BirThdAy MaRa!!!

I am 23 going on 13

I was feeling sad the other day because I'm 23yrs old.  I'm taking the kids to preschool and we go on friday play dates etc.  I'm doing Older People stuff, while my friends are in college doing lots of Younger people things.

Well that all changed when I was at Wal- mart with Ty and the boys.  We were checking out and the Cashier says to me- Judging by your wedding ring you're married but you look like you are 13 years old!  

I started to blush and giggle saying oh thank you i feel so young he he he he.... (J/K).
No I started to laugh because It made my day having someone telling me that I look young, so i thought to myself Holy Crap I am young!  So that was a funny/fun little comment that made my pre birthday day!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

CHRISTMAS and Grits Chaos and kids!

      We put our tree up a few days before Thanxgiving but decorated it after.  
Last year Phoenix wasn't quite crawling yet, but he kept getting over to the tree!!  I caught him rolling there, then after he had practiced for a few days he started scooting backward to it.  

      Well Phoenix is walking now, and he can't help himself (he HAS to touch and grab).  We had to "Phoenix-Proof" our tree.  We got Plastic ornaments for the bottom of the tree and we put the nice glass ones on top.  

But if we really Phoenix proofed it there wouldn't be any ornaments on the bottom part of the tree.
Well anyway.... Every year Ty and I get a new ornament for each person.  Ryker chose a lightning McQueen one and We chose for Phoenix ---------
The Abominable Snowman From Rudolf The Rednose Reindeer!   It just fit little Phoenix Perfectly this year; Him trying to grab and destroy all the ornaments from the tree!  

I don't  know if Ty and I will ever learn but we got a train for under the Tree and we decided to put it up tonight.   Well Phoenix (as cute as it was), kept trying to grab the train as it was moving.  Ryker kept saying No NO NEENIX , NO TOUCHIN NEENIX,  NEENIX GO TAKE A NAP.

It's Chaotic but I don't think That I'd change it for a minute

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Washer Monster!!!

Do you ever feel like Someone is Secretly coming into your House and steeling your clothes?   Or The Washing Machine Really is alive and It really does eat your pants?

I feel like that all the time!!! I swear my clothes keep disappearing!    I look in the most craziest places too, because maybe my boys put them in that Crazy place.   So I look in the boys beds and in the Garage, the Pantry and all the obvious places too!    But Its not anywhere to be found, so you come to the conclusion that the Washing Machine ate it Or to be more reasonable Someone is breaking into our house everyday while we are gone doing something, and they steal my favorite socks,pants, shirts and that one shoe!

It drives me crazy!!!   I know it drives everyone else crazy too!  I know it's not just me this is happening too!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

turkey legs and candy canes

I remember when My oldest nephew (porter) was born 11 years ago,  and My oldest Niece (Ashlyn) born 9 years ago!!  Now both are Grown, and both gorgeous and smart!!!
Then came Kaiden!  He was born in a tornado-and that's very unique because He is very unique!

  Then Lincoln (jodi Said he looked like E.T when he was born but I thought he was totally cute), when he was learning to walk, he would hold both of his hands in the air, and it reminded me of an oompa loompa.  Oh and he has some great manners too!

 Then Ella, She was born in Massachuesettes, but I got to see her when she was only about a month old, and she is sweet and sassy and I mean sassy .  

Rylee was born just a couple months before I was due so I didn't get to hold her new, but After Ryker was born, Kamea came a week later and then Flora came! And those kids were all babies together and now they are 3 years old and its insane!!!  they are gonna be the furious 4!  It should be lots of fun! they will play princesses but Ryker will be either the prince or the bad guy.... should be fun!

Then came Little Acadia! She is Too cute for her own good.  I was thankfully here (since ty was deployed) and I got to see her (through the window) at the nursery.  Then a few months ago My son threw a big ole sit on car at her head!  (I'm sorry Darling!) 

Phoenix- he's my baby boy so I could brag but we already know he's a cutie batutie

And Barry Baer!   I rarely have seen him but when I saw him in June and He looks just like my brother Cory. I can only imagine how much he's grown since then!!! I can't wait to see him next  I hope I get to see him for a day or two when we come home for christmas.

Then Bodee!!!! Oh my bodilicious Bodee!!! - It was so fun when Molly told me she was preggers!  PRICELESS!  Anyway,I miss him, I got to be with baby bodee from sept to oct and he was sooo small and cute and made the funniest faces!  I can't wait to see him too!

Then baby Peanut---- not born yet but in about july, I can't wait to meet him/her!

I love all these kids sooo much!!!! They make me smile soooo much!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am such a dork!!!!

Today We were talking about Toy Story Since ryker has been really into it lately.  We were sitting at the table and I started talking about "Bud Lightyear".    Tyler kept saying Bud lightyear?  I'd say Yes Bud Lightyear!!! I had no clue that I wasn't saying BUZZ lightyear.  I am such a dork!!!

Oh my gosh I saw the most AWESOME MULLET today!!!! It was prolly the best (well worst) one in the whole entire world!!!!!   This guy who was prolly 6ft 5in just strolls down the aisles of Walmart today and Ty and I both looked and we stopped in our tracks and literally we both said WHOA!!!!    Ok so he had brownish greyish hair, and the top of the mullet was a good 5-6 inchs tall in fluff (think of Cramer from Seinfeld) then the sides were fluffy and then this long long tattered Mullet tail!!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!   I feel kinda bad because both ty and I looked at it and then we looked at each other and started laughing Hysterically!!!! Man I wish I had a camera for that.  

you know, I thought that I couldn't be shocked anymore by the people I see down here.  But You walk into the Walmart and You've got a Funky fun surprise everytime you go!!!  
I guess that is one thing thats good about Warner Robins, because you don't really get good stuff like that in Utah.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What do you think about that????

So, You know when You see the person at the Store with the bag of Chips open or their diet soda open?  (We've all done it).  You're either Starving or super thirsty, and you just cannot continue shopping, until you've starting eating those chips or drinking that drink.

Well I was Pondering..... What if You saw someone at the store who was shopping but with an Open Beer Can Or Bottle/Box of wine?    Are they Super Thirsty or Super hungry?  ha ha ha ha  obviously not.  But what would you do if you saw it? I know that it would be super funny to see someone pushing they're cart around drinking a beer ( even though its super wrong , i still think it'd be hilarious)

Ok So this is pretty funny and it really happend.  Ok So At Walmart Ryker always has to see the Lobsters by the Sea Food section.  He always says HI LOSTERS HI LOSTERS!!   Well two days ago Ryker was Going poop on the potty and Tyler was in there , because he was gonna help him wipe.   After Ryker Pooped he looked in the toilet and Goes LOSTER EWE GROSS!!!  Gross LOSTER!!, then he flushed and says Bye bye Loster!!!  It was really funny!  Kind of random but funny!

Today I started a bath for my dog, and I went out of the bathroom to grab the dog, and Phoenix ran into the bathroom.  When I got back in there ( which was only like 5 secs later), Phoenix was sitting in the bathtub, fully dressed, chillin in the water!  So that was  perty funny too!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'M SHOCKED!!!!! and I don't shock easily!!!!

Well As you know I have my 2 boys.  well every now and then I take them to burger king (when Ty flies and on Fridays with Anthony and Caleb after Kristy and Katy get off of work from Preschool).  Well I grew up with 4 brothers!  They weren't the ideal brothers growing up.... and I mean, they were rather destructive; more destructive than the average brother or boy. 

So, I think That If I would be shocked about something ,I'd have some sort of standard to look up to!  And I do!   So When I was at Burger King today (since Ty was flying today), Ryker and Phoenix were playing and having a great time!   I was glad that I didn't have to deal with any crying or anything.  When Ryker Yell's "MOM, I HAVE TO GO POTTY!!!!  So I look in his direction and he has his pants and underwear pulled down on the play ground with His 'lollies', out and shown to EVERYONE!!!!

NOOOOOOO!!!! RYKER PULL YOUR PANTS UP!!!!!! Mommy! I have to go potty!  NOOOOOOOO !!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!  I  ran to him (it felt like slow mo!).  I got to him, finally,  and pulled his pants up before he defiled the Burger King Playground.  We went inside and went pee.  ahhhhhhhh.  At least he's potty trained I thought, rather than Me being embarrassed, that my son flashed the entire restaraunt with his 'lollies ' and me yelling from the top of my lungs NOOOOOOO!

I didn't ever think that I'd actually be schocked, from having 4 brothers that constructed utter chaos growing up.  But I realize I was wrong

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

cold schmold.... I GOTS THIS

Well The past week and a half The boys and I have had a cold.    If I have the same cold that the boys do.... Then they are doing a HECK of a lot better than I am!   Isn't it amazing How Kids can be sick, but just act so happy and run and play and run and play!!!!  They are like little magic people that don't care about their symptoms.

I, on the other hand just want to grab my antihistamines and my Ny-quil and Lay in bed with a straw in tow!  BLAAAAAA.   

But on the plus side; I'm sneezing a lot and I like to sneeze!  It's Like .2 sec Party in my nose!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween fun, is finally DONE happy NOVEMBER

Well For Halloween!  Ryker was Napoleon Dynamite and Anthony was Pedro!  
Phoenix spilled Chocolate Milk all over his Skeleton costume and so I just put on The Whoopie Cushion Costume on him again.

Trick or Treating was sooooo funny this year!!! I have never seen anything like it!  Ryker and Anthony RACED to the Doorbells!  Like any kid would but  They would run and push each other on the grass and trip to get to the door bell!  If Anthony didn't get to ring the door bell he would cry and sulk and said he couldn't get the candy because, he didn't ring the doorbell!  It was hilarious!!!!  I'm not really explaining it that well, but its because I can't.... But the way it was, was HILARIOUS!  

I have never seen a Child run as fast as Ryker did to get to the doorbell!  It was sooooo funny! 

anyway Happy November!   I am one of those people that starts the Christmas Spirit on Nov 1st.  Yes, I know I'm crazy.  But I just listen to a little Christmas music hear and there and add a little more every day!   What can I say; I wouldn't mind the Christmas Season being 2 months long, so I'm celebrating it for that long ha ha ha.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

unethical? I don't think so..... Part 2!!!!

OK so I forgot to put this down on my other blog, but its something that I learned; that some of the Lazy folks in the south don't like!!!!!

Ok so say you are in a Mall parking lot in Utah.... you know what I mean you browse and browse until you can find ANY parking spot.  Then you find one, and you are soooo happy!!! But you still have to walk a ways to get to the elevators.   You don't really care because it's still a better parking spot than the guy behind you, who has to drive around for a bit ... while you get to start shopping.  AM I right, Utah People? ( and for people who are unfamiliar with Utah that's how it is.)

Well down here in WR, people will wait for more than 10 min (which is a long time if you actually count it on a timer), for the closest parking spot they can get!
So this is a game that Tyler and I play.....

If we are walking out of the mall or walmart or target, or any other store for that matter; and we notice that a car is waiting for us, we take our time!!!! We will slowly unload the groceries, bags and kids.  Slowly buckle the kids in and slowly take the cart back, slowly walk back to the car.
Then mindlessly look through our diaper bag/purse for the keys, then finally get in the car, sit down take a few deep breaths, put the keys in.   Turn on the radio or the ipod.  Find the station or play list I/or ty likes.  Then buckle myself in and then turn the Motor on!  Sit and listen to a great song and THEN back out!!! And there will STILL Be a car waiting for you!!!!!!!!!

We take our jolly old time to see how lazy people are!!! People will be stuck behind them trying to get by!  But they will just be sitting there with there blinker on to turn into the soon empty spot!!!!  It's amazing how long people will wait!!!!    So Ty and I turned it into a game and people wait for the Min amount of a good 10 min!  NO JOKE!  

Funny huh.... try to see if Utah people will do that; I'm curious to know... then lemme know if they do!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Unethical? I don't think so.....

So We live in Warner Robins GA, and there isn't much to do here.  Well every now then we'd go check out the Car lots and look at cars that we'd like and that we'd love to have someday.  We noticed that The car salesmen hunt you down and sidle up to you, and when they see anyone drive up they put on their Vulture Gear and try to get to you.

Well Tyler and I made up a little game that we like to do when we are really bored.  We will drive to a car lot and park next to a car (That is also really far from the Sales Office) and start looking inside and act like we really like it.  Then we'll see a Vulture ( car salesmen) coming out of the office and heading our way.  When they are like 3/4 the way to where we are we'll get in the car and drive off.    Its really funny!   

Well after awhile of doing this childish game we noticed that those dumb-witted Vultures started getting a little smarter!  They started using Golfcarts to get to the car browsers.   One day we didn't realize this new advancement of 'smartness'; and we saw a car salesmen coming then we did our thing and got in the car and started to drive but we noticed a golfcart driving next to our car!!! We rolled down the window and They asked - Are you interested in anything today?  we said nope and drove faster and out of the parking lot.  It was like we advanced to level 2 in our made up game, which is nice because it was getting to easy.

What do you do when you are bored; Any games you made up?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HELLO, Its not 2004 anymore!!!

This summer we had some neighbors over and we had a fire in our driveway, and ate food and roasted marshmallows.
We had the ipod in the speaker doc and we listened to music and ate and had fun!!!

Well one of my neighbors ( the crazy cross the street neighbor), said she had a great CD and asked if we had a CD player.
Ty and I were like heck NO! ( we did but we sold em in a garage sale and if we need to listen to a CD we put it in a DVD player or the car to listen.) She was like you don't have a CD player!!! We were like No we Have ipods- what Century are you living in? Even my Grandma has an Ipod and she's almost 90!!! No need for using CD's anymore, except for loading them onto the computer.

Anyway So I don't know why I was thinking about that the other day but I was; and I started thinking I remember when it was HUGE that my parents had a CD player and not just a tape player! I also remember when DVD's came out! I was in JR. High!
Didn't the ipod come out in about late 04 or in O5? Well Since then, there has been the basic ipod, then the nano, the shuffle, then the video ipod, and then the itouch and the iphone etc; all with upgraded models!! Isn't funny how fast technology is changing!!!

And how we react to the old but still current stuff like CD's. What's next? Movies on Memory sticks and just sticking it in the TV?
Or cell phones in our sunglasses and glasses and we can see the screen on our lenses? Who knows Technology has changed a ton just since 2000.

Just something fun to think about

Monday, October 20, 2008

my favorite things about Halloween

Nightmare Before Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos" border="0" alt="" />
The pumpkins I carved Pictures, Images and Photos"
Hocus Pocus Pictures, Images and Photos"
Well Halloween is my favorite Holiday!  Its just the fun fall feeling that's going around I love it!!!!

Well As I was wondering why Halloween was my favorite Holiday i looked at my cousin Sara's Blog and She wrote what she loved about Halloween so I will too--not in any specific order of favorites

1- I absolutely Love Haunted Houses!!! I have ever since I was like 8 years old- You are on a super fun Edge the whole time and its fun knowing that something is gonna be around the corner. Then the possibility of losing your voice is always fun; and the next morning people ask you what happened.... and you nonchalantly say ' Oh I was just at a Haunted house last night...'

2-Scary movies----Old classic scary movies like in Black and White-  They definatley set me in the Halloween spirit.  But The two Halloween movies that I MUST watch every year are HOCUS POCUS!!!! And The Nightmare Before Christmas I love those movies; They are so much fun to watch

3-The song: THE MONSTER MASH!!!!! need I say more ha ha ha ha ha

4-(cliche but true) CANDY CANDY CANDY

5-All Halloween Decorations!!!! And Costumes!!!!

6- Baked Pumpkin Seeds!!!

7- Cheezy Billboards that say stuff like- "Is your hair  'SCARY '? Come in and we will make you BOOTIFUL";  "is your car 'AFRIGHT' We'll clean it for you"  etc.

8-All of the fun Fall festivities like Trunk or Treating and stuff like that.

9-The cute school projects that come home!

Friday, October 17, 2008

im BACK in GA

I'm back here in GA.  We got back this afternoon.... Its nice to sit in my bed and Write this on our Mac.  

Even though we are back we are still busy!!! Tomorrow we are are going to ride Thomas.  It will be sooo fun.  Ryker is so excited.  He should be.... He got to ride on  two planes today a train (at the airport, and then tomorrow he gets to ride his favorite character!!!   Super duper!!!   Then we are going to get Halloween Decorations and hang em up.  We are sooo excited.    Oh ya and it was sooo fun to come in my redecorated house!!! My sister and I re decorated then we left in a hurry!!!!  but we Painted and then Decorated from Ikea and Pier One!!! We love it.  And it was nice to come home to such a good looking house!!!!!

I'm sooo excited to be back with my doggy Dexter... it was a happy reunion.   he gave me a nice big hug!!! I love him soooo much. 

well i just thought i'd let you all know that we got home safely!!!!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Its comin to an End

I've been in Utah for about a Month. We are comin Home on Friday!!!!
Its Kinda sad but a relief to get back to life. And I'm very eager to see my Dog Dexter( I miss him sooo much).

Ryker will start School again and Tyler will go back to work... and I will avoid my Crazy Neighbor with all Costs.... Actually I think that I'm gonna try and Set em up and get him in Jail ( any Ideas) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ---I'm sooo mean!!! the sad thing is... you all think I'm kidding huh)

Today My son (ryker-3) Climbed and Repelled with papa ( my dad). I'm so proud of him!!! He's the age I started climbing and Repelling... but I learned on a Really tall tree... Ryker got to learn on a Real Mountain!!!

And a Few weeks ago we Took the boys a Bus& Trax Ride With My father-in-Law.

It's Been sooo fun Taking the boys out to do what Tyler and I did when we were little. I'm soo Glad that They enjoy it as much as we did too.

One thing Ryker has Learned to say was 'Shut Up' (oops!!). And I kept telling everyone that I didn't know where he learned it from or he learned it from Tyler. And We started putting him in timeout if he kept saying it. Well tonight while wathing the Pres. Debate; I said to the TV 'OH SHUT UP'.... then Ryker started laughing and said while laughing OH SHUT UP OH SHUT UP!!!
OOPSIE DAISY!!!! My bad! ha ha ha. I guess I have to own up to part of it now!!!

anyway I'm getting tired....

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Its October 11th and I'm in Utah and Its Snowing alot outside!!! How fun!!!

I love this! Especially since I can be cozy with Tyler next to a fire place.

Anyway Do you have any secrets That aren't a Big deal but If one person found out ---- they wouldn't be upset but.... They wouldn't really like it;but there is really No harm No foul, its just a secret for their protection.

Like this one..... A few weeks ago Just before My parents were coming home, from their mission. I snuck over While Jordan and Courtney ( who were house sitting for my parents) were at work, And I bathed the Children and took a Shower. Well, we all got into my parents Huge shower and I turned on both shower heads and bathed the kids... then I sent them out with towels so I could rinse out my Hair. While I was finishing up my shower Ryker and Phoenix were naked for literally only like 2 min alone....

I Got out of the shower, put a diaper onPhoenix and undies on Ryker. I got dressed and Did my hair and Make up.

While I was making sure everything was in its exact order before I left ( we couldn't leave any evidence behind!!) I went into my parents walk- in ,closet where the boys always love to play; and in the corner of my eye, I found a Light Brown log Turd!!! laying on the Floor!!!! Ha ha ha. It was PHOENIX!!!
I yelled to Megan ( my sister) and said I had a suprise for her and we both cracked up laughing. So I cleaned it up and Cleaned the poo spot.

Anyway if my mom had known about THAT,she'd have 'Pooped' her pants ;herself!!!!

I never told her. But when she got home She had the carpets cleaned anyway!!! See no harm No foul!!!

Well if she reads this then she'll know... But I think she'll have a good laugh about it now. But if I told her a week ago When she was unpacking from Texas she would have had a Heart attack.

So what are your little secrets????

Thursday, October 9, 2008

He's here he's finally here

Tyler got to Utah on Tuesday night. We went to Cafe Rio ( his FAVORITE) and had a great time with both our families!!!
Its kinda funny because Now that he's back its almost like he never left... like we picked up where we left off! Even though of Course thats not how it went down!!! That Deployment SUCKED!!!! But its sooo nice to finally have him home. And Ryker is Clinging to him like a Clingon- not like the ones on Star Trek either... i mean the other kind ha ha ha.

Well its short and sweet but I'm glad the love of my life is back and well

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yummy Dinner!!!

Ok So I made a delicious Dinner for My brother and sister-in-law for letting me stay there for a few weeks.   My son Phoenix loves it.  ryker is a pretty damn picky eater.  He only eats chicken Nuggets, grilled cheese, pizza, and or nachos.  

Well So I made Chicken Divan and Ryker used to love it.  Well He didn't want have anything to do with it.  Well At the store there was 2 for 1 twinkies.  So I had Grated cheese and Parmesan-Cheese out and the twinkies were sitting out.  Ryker climbed up to the counter and I swear to you He started eating the parm. cheese with a spoon and had half a twinkie for dinner.  I am the best mother in the whole entire world..... The way I justify it though; is because tyler is coming home tomorrow so I kinda let it go... but Does anyone ever do that?   Feed your child junkfood for dinner?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Little Einsteins, Diego, Dora the Explorer

This morning As i was doing laundry and cleaning up... The boys were driving me crazy and getting into mischief so I turned on the TV. The boys and Kamea were watching Cartoons on Disney and Nickalodeon. After like the 3rd time watching Dora This morning... I started pondering to myself- What Kind of Mother lets her 8 year old daughter go wander in the wilderness with a monkey alone??? They are crossing Rivers and Climbing Mountains how did they learn to do that??? Masters classes?. Then I thought of Diego! He's friggin going through the Jungle!!! What mother would let their 10 year old son Go into the jungle to find Anacondas The crocodile hunter died so i know he's not getting any help from him!!!!!!! Then I thought of Little Einstiens!!! What kind of parents let their 7 and 8 year olds Fly a Rocket around the world and Out of space Where is their supervision!!! They went to Antartica, africawith lions and wild animals, swamps with Allegators, oceans with sharks- they say ooooo its a nice cheetah he wants to help us!!!! NOOO he wants to Eat YOU!!!.... They do all that WITHOUT ANY SORT PARENTAL SUPERVISION!!! Child services needs to check out those parents-lettin their kids run wild!!! Its A miracle that those kids are still alive!!!

What's funny about that though is; the Backyardigans. They are Animals and they just play in their back yards and Use their Imaginations!!! Good safe fun!!!
So are Animals more intelligent as parents that us ( humans???) Is that what these cartoons are sayin? Hmmmmm? Somebody tell me because I'm Curious!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Random Questions---HAVE YOU EVER???

As I was wondering what I should write for my next blog post a few things happend that made me think......Hmmmm has anyone else ever wondered about this or that.

So here it goes

1-HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED THAT WHEN GIVING YOUR HEIGHT AND WEIGHT; YOU ADD THAT HALF INCH FOR HEIGHT, BUT YOU TAKE OFF THAT HALF PUND FOR WEIGHT?--- I went to a doctors appt Yesterday and when I stepped on the scale and the number after the Decimal kept going up one then down one... so i said to the nurse Just take that ".5" off. Then when she asked for my height I said 5 ft 2 and then I shouted and a 1/2. She started to chuckle.

2-Have you ever had one of those dreams where you dream about a celebrity ( woman:dream about Brad Pitt; and Men: dream about Angelina Jolie). Then the next day you kinda think about it and it makes you blush and kinda feel giddy?

A few days ago I had a dream about Christian Bale. I wont get into the details, but I liked the dream. ha ha ha. The next morning I saw a Batman Commercial and Thought to myself... I really REALLy want to see that movie and I literally giggled. My sister Megan was like what's up wit chew?

3- Have you ever forgotten your own name?

A few months ago when i was in utah for my sister Megans wedding; I was either talking to my sister in law meghan or my sisters, sister in law meagan. well We started talking about how many megans there were and I started saying something like-Megan Davis Meghan Davis and Megan Badger Meagan Badger! They were like Who is the other Megan Davis? I Said ME SILLY!!! And I was completely oblivious that I was calling myself Megan.

They all looked at me like i was a stupid idiot and started laughing. I asked WHAT??? They said YOUR NAME IS MARA!!! I felt like the biggest moron.

4-Have you ever gotten lost while driving in your own neighborhood?(it doesn't count if you just moved in)

I've lived in My new house for over 2 years. I went to pick up a Pizza hut pizza the other week and made a turn for a short cut... which i've taken from the opposite direction ( I hadn't taken it in the direction I was going to before). I live only 5 min away from pizza hut... I got home 15 min later than it would have taken. I'm such a dork.

These were just a few of my 'Have you evers'. But what are yours????

Friday, August 29, 2008

MOM JUST 5 more min!!!

Growing, up My mom woke us up at 6 am during school season and always had a yummy breakfast on the table. She made the most yummy breakfasts. I loved the Chocolate Cream O Wheat, and her cheese biscuits with Hot Ovaltine to drink... YUM......the only thing was I HATED waking up that early. I would grudgingly eat the delicious food and go back into a deep sleep like I did after breakfast for 45 min (if possible), then get ready for school. I would be so excited for Saturdays (if I didn't have soccer) I'd sleep in until 1:00 pm or later.

I also remember thinking... I can't wait for summer so I can sleep in; and I dread the day when I have to get up early and get my kids breakfast and ready for school. It's funny because I would think about that all the time and how I would hate it to death!!!!

Well My 3 year old is in Preschool and Although I don't get up at 6 to get him ready I still have to do it. I only need to have him at school by 9:00 and I only live 10min away.

What a chore it is to get him up make him go pee in the toilet, get his clothes on ( which He HAS to choose em.... mainly his Green shirt), attempt to get him to eat breakfast ( which he tries to get the potty treats I have above the computer instead of his waffles, or cereal etc.).

Then I change Phoenix's diaper ( which is the hardest thing to do in the world!!!! talk about HOLD STILL) and only put a T-shirt on him because changing his diaper was hard enough... why do I want to try and put on two pieces of clothing after that experience.

ALRIGHT LETS GET IN THE CAR!!!! (Smell.......) Ryker did you poo in your Pull ups? NOOOOOO take off the shoes pull off the pants wipe the ass, put on the new pull up put on the pants and shoes. PHOENIX, NOOOOO where's your diaper!!! He pulls em off all the time! HURRY and wrestle spike to the ground put on his diaper ---- he runs away. Run and grab spike hold him in a barrel position grab ryker and his back pack.!!!!

FINALLY we MADE IT TO THE GARAGE!!!!!!!!!! Now, I just have to make it into the car.


MOMMY MOMMY COTTER COTTER ( rykers word for helicopter). Almost every morning behind our house ;(which is a park the court house and lots of government buildings) A helicopter flies down there and ryker loves it. Ryker doesn't budge until he can't see it anymore. finally the 'Cotter' Is gone!!! Ryker climbs up into his seat and I buckle him in. I finally sit down (dripping with sweat) and turn on the car.

The Mornings down Watson BLVD are super duper busy very traffic-ie and there are a TON of stupid, idiodic, beyond slow drivers; that have never drivin outside of warner robins itself (luckily my little boxcar fits into small spaces so i can cut people off very easily if i'm in a hurry). I love my drives to school after I've gone through the hectic morning Routine.... I turn on the New morning show (Kidd Kradic) and sarinely drive to school with they busy traffic. Did i mention I have killer Road Rage???

It's Amazing after all that goes on in the morning I'm not flipping people off. That happens in the afternoon when I don't feel so hectic to pick up ryker. ( ha ha ha just kidding)

All in All I'm just saying Mothers are Mothers for a reason. Fathers can do what we do (if needed or wanted), But We're the best at it, even if it takes a xanax, a anti depressant and a diet coke

Monday, August 25, 2008

my life as an adult drama queen

I have this crazy New neighbor that lives across the street. We've all met a person like my across the street neighbor---very Narcissistic ( even though very UN-attractive), everything is always about them, everything needs to be done for them, if you do something really nice for them it's never good enough, very paranoid and much much more. Well I had been watching soap operas ( i know i know you don't need to say anything), until I met this person). She kept calling me all the time which was and is completely annoying, but she had all these outrageous stories ;some true, some totally NOT true ( but I pretended to believe it) because she was so entertaining. But not in the way you think. Its just fun when you know someone is lying, because it just makes them look soooo stupid.... like in the events below.She's trying to keep up with the Jones' ,but the funny part is She's using Tyler and I as her "Jones" Family. I find that hilarious, since we are military and we don't make jack squat in $$$.And from what she tells me they make a whole LOT OF IT. But if you went over to her house, you'd BEG to differ ( and then you'd realise that she was lying).At first I felt sorry for her, she doesn't want people to know they don't have alot of money, She tells me almost everyday that her husband doesn't love her and she hates him, and she's looking for a reason for a divorce. But then after a few weeks of getting to know them. I don't feel sorry for her at all, I don't even pity her. And instead of staying away from her crazy behaviour I decided to use it for my own personal entertainment.(Its sooo wrong but I have to talk about it I HAVE TO.)So anyway She'd tell me how much her and her husband hated each other, and she told me how he came here from Guatemala from a work visa, and when it expired he went back to Guatemala . But then he came back here Illegally, all for her ( but if you saw her, you'd be like really, for you???). Then he Knocked her up and then they got married when she was like 8 months preggers.Hmmmm I wonder why he came back????? GREEN CARD ANYONE--Although she doesn't admit it, she has to know that's the only reason why he married her;he's definitely a hell of a lot better looking than she is.(i know i'm totally rude)So anyway one morning she called me and asked if she could come over; i said sure and then she began to tell me That she slept with her husbands brother! I literally was speechless ( not because its adultery, but because EWE (and again) REALLY?Every morning or whenever she would just pop on over to my house and tell more and more of this story and so much of it was OBVIOUSLY STRETCHING the Truth, it was hard to contain my excitement for my own real life Soap opera. I thought you couldn't make this stuff up but apparently you can.Well after her husband went to court for 3 DUI's ( and didn't even go to jail btw), she told me that he found out about her little alleged affair. In my mind i couldn't get anymore excited, it was like the beginning of the second season of a great new TV show. She was starting to tell me that her husbands cousin was now hitting on her, trying to get some action ( it was really hard for me to contain my laughter, but i did it). Then she said that One night after they had all been drinking that her husband beat the crap out of his friend.... for fliriting with her. a few days later she then said, that same night this friend took advantage of her, I said I though your husband be the crap out of him so i left.... she tried to manipulate the story into her "getting raped". I know it was a lie, too many twists and turns and nothing made sense. But it was so entertaining i let it be.So anyway after all that, her Affair story started to get boring and dumb and she was telling me the same things over and over again. So that was that.about two weeks ago she had invited me over for dinner. She asked me to bring over a queso dip that she liked and broiling pans. She told me that she was making jalepeno poppers ( I had given her the recipe). Well the plan was I would go over at 6ish for dinner. I told her not to worry about making anything for my boys (since they are picky and they eat fairly early). Well she didn't even get home until 7. She calls me and says in a rushed voice, are you ever comin over? And I'm like ya, I was just waiting for you!!!So i get over there and she hands me the ingredients for the jalepenos! So i said do you want me to put this over here? She said ya you can start makin em over there. I was shocked, because she invited me over for dinner , i didn't think i had to acutally MAKE IT. So i was like okay. And the thing about the Jalepenos, they are very tedious to make! you have to cut em in half, de seed and de vein, dry em, then stuff em and wrap with bacon. Its very time consuming. So I made em and it took like 45 min. so it was like 7:45 ( my boys go to bed at 8;30-9 ish). In the mean time she was making pizzas out of pilsbury biscuits and she was making alot of em and so i asked are there alot of people coming over and she said no. then she asked ryker if he wanted one and I said he already ate, she looked at me like she was gonna kill me then she said WELL I BETTER STOP MAKING THESE THEN. So i reminded her that she wasn't supposed to make food for my boys. then she asked me Where is the queso? I left it on my counter! I said I'll hurry and go get it and she said (very annoyed) Fine go get it. It took all but two seconds. I get back and she says Where are the chips? I said You only told me to bring over the queso!!! She said I guess i better go to the convient store and get some chips. so she went and got some but by the time she got back it was like 9:00, my boys were crying and were sooo tired. I said I have to take my boys home. She said are you coming back??? I said no they have to go to sleep. Then she said well I want to borrow a movie. Ok fine come over and borrow one. No why dont you choose one and bring it over? No, i have to put my kids down to sleep! well it will be easier for you since you're gonna be over there already. BUT I"M PUTTING MY KIDS TO BED, i said fine so i got a movie and took it over.see what a wack a doo!!! despite how crazy she is--- i never get sick of telling that story.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

a Warm Awakening

This morning My boys woke up at about 6:30. I put on a movie in my bedroom for them and I fell back asleep since i didn't have to get up till 8.

about 45 min into my morning nap, I was awakend by a warm stream of urine on my back!!! My one year olds diaper came off and he pee'd on me!!!!!

Thanfully I have one of those waterproof pads on top of my mattress and thankfully I was going to change the sheets anyway today.

I've been getting silly little suprises like that lately!!! last week or so... My 3 yr old woke me up by saying MAMA WAKE UP and I opened my eyes and saw a bare butt in my face and then he sat on my face.

He also Keeps peeing in the empty bath tub or off the deck ha ha ha. ( so uncivilized)

And My one year old always has his hand down his diaper... it's like his worry stone down there.

I love my boys.

Monday, August 11, 2008

50 things about moi!!!

1-I like to confuse people about what race I am ... I always tell people something different. Latina, Polynesian, Italian, just a really tan white person etc.

2-I'm very needy- I make my sister Fly down When I'm lonely... I Even convinced her to move down here LOL. Thank goodness she loves me.

3-I love stupid silly comedies-Blades of Glory, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Zoo Lander etc.

4-I love love love music

5- I love having people over for dinner. because I love cooking for people.

6-I like to shock people with my wits- I like to make people say OMG!

7-I'm pretty shy unless we are pretty well acquainted. (Shocking I know).

8-I don't like to talk on the phone... I prefer Texting- less awkward for me.

9-I'm kind of a clean Freak- I really want to buy a Carpet Cleaner (i'm totally a house Wife aren't I).

10-I love to be spontaneous(and witty) on my terms--- I'm very demanding I guess

11-I love being surrounded by people but I'm such a Homebody that I'd prefer to have people come over rather than go to somebody Else's house.

12-I love pictures and scrap booking

13-I'm crafty--- I'm making Vases and Bowls out of Magazines!!!

14-The People that Know me the most accept me for who I am--- they Know me from the inside out... they know all my dirty little secrets lol.

15-I love Dancing and singing really loud while I clean (which is almost all day everyday

16-I hate Missed connections--- I miss so many people, that I haven't talked to in Years... It's soooo sad.

17-I secretly want to be a soap star LoL

18-I love watching UFC and fighting... I love IT

19-I have a boxing bag and I hit it everyday and I have a spinning bike and I use it everyday

20-I would love to Kick box in a ring and beat the crap out of somebody and then show my battle-wounds off

21-I want to die while riding a Roller Coaster when I'm 89 years old ( I know very weird... but at least I'm gonna die doing something I loved)

22-I like to tell people that my dog is half Wolfe so they get really scared ( even though he's just G-Shepherd)

23-My husband and I would like to live in Southern Utah after the Military life.

24- I want to be a Nurse Anesthetist

25-I mainly wanted to go into the Medical feild so I could wear Comfy Scrubs... lol

26-candy, ice cream, potato chips


28-I love my boys, they are hilarious

29-I love my boxcar (scion xb) I know its funky looking but Its like driving a short bus ha ha ha.

30-I never spend what I don't have

31-I like making people happy, which can be bad because sometimes I tell them what they want to hear.

32-did I say candy, ice cream and potato chips????

33-I really love kick boxing and Spinning It makes me feel like a bad A**

34-The people that know me best, think that I couldn't possibly shock them anymore.... then I do and I love it

35-I let my kids run around naked

36-I'd rather be confronted than be talked about behind my back..... I've gone through alot of crap.... A few words Aint gonna hurt.... I usually stand by what I say anyways

37-I wish I was taller--- I've got Junk in the trunk...

38-I wish I was fluent in Spanish---i'm working on it. Same with my little ones too.

39-will You rub my back please????

40-I hate play groups--- i don't know why Mom's feel the need to compete with each other... so I avoid em at all costs.

41-Audrey Hepburn Is still the Most Beautful Woman in the World - I love her

42-I love musicals- 7 brides for 7 brothers,west side story,phantom, Aida, Les Miz... etc

43-I love Italian food YUM and Mexican food YUMMMMMM

44-You may say you gained weight during your pregnancies.... I gained more curves and I like em.

45-I played on a U-19 indoor team but I was the only 19 year old everyone else was 14- and 15 needless to say I kicked A** ha ha ha

46-I love the show weeds and Dexter

47-There is only One Celebrity who makes me blush when i see him on TV --- Shemar Moore ( from Criminal Minds)

48-I love giving my kids candy--- and I don't care what you crazy moms say

49-I don't like the military life but I'm friggin proud of my soldier and all soldiers

50-I would love to stay here in the south if My whole entire Family moved down here too.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Just when I think that I have a grip on things, everything falls out of place or goes Chaotic. Or the otherway round... when I don't think I can do anymore I get one moment for like 5 min where its just peace.

Finally My 3 year old is potty trained!!!

He poo's in the toilet and Pee's off our deck.

But at least I'm not changing his diaper anymore.

He loves going to the bathroom in public places!! Which I'm glad he doesn't just pee his pants because that could ruin grocery shopping for me ( until megan gets here).

I'm starting week 3 of Tylers deployment today. The days have seemed to run into each other so its kind of relieving knowing there are only approx 9 weeks left ( i hope).

Rykers back to school night is on thursday and he starts school on monday!!! WAHOO!!! I just have to get through this week.

In the mornings I listen to 97.1 zht the z morning zoo ( in SLC) Online. Yesterday they said to check out this blog called '' it was sooo funny and it cheered me up. I wrote the radio station and told them how much it made me laugh and how hard it was to make me laugh these days since this was like the 3-4 time tyler is deployed. So they gave me a Shout out This morning on the radio! It was sooo cool!

So I've got my new spinning bike and I love it. I use it everyday. I use it while i eat, talk on the phone, watch tv and listen to my ipod all at the same time. Its sooo great!!

My garage sale is this weekend also and I should make a lot of money money money!!! Which will be fun because I don't have any outstanding bills or notices or anything. so I can use it or save it for whatever!

My boys are constantly getting into anything and everything. And they get into sooo much trouble. There is Mascara All over the walls and crayon on the tables. and chocolate milk on the carpet. But I love them as crazy as they are and I wouldn't change an ounce of their crazy personalities

Sunday, July 27, 2008


these are a few experiences from me that I've had in the past year and still counting

You know you're a mom when

1- you wake up with your childs naked bum in your face, and proceeds to sit on it

2- when you find pebbles of poo on the floor and you're almost not even shocked

3-when your child is messier after his/her bath than before the bath

4-when you wake up smelling like peanut butter

5-when you realise that you made your kids chicken nuggets for both breakfast lunch and dinner 3 days in a row

6-when you look forward to your annual gyno appointment, just to take a break from your kids

7-when you start singing the songs from your kids favorite tv shows

8-when you are sick of shrek, bee movie, happy feet etc.

9-when you sit down to relax when kids are taking a nap and you are too lazy to turn off shrek, bee movie, happy feet etc; so you watch it

10- when going to target is getting your kids out of the house.

11-when you go to bed and there are cracker crumbs everywhere

12-when you can't seem to clean up all of those toys because the kids keep getting em out right after you put some away

13-when your one year old knows how to open the pantry door and get out the garbage

14- when it gets to quiet you know something, Not good, is happening, right at that very moment

15-when you have a clogged toilet from a tennis ball and not from poo

16- when you see your child peeing into the empty bath tub, or in the yard

17- when you go to wal mart with your kids in a t-shirt and diaper (no pants)

18- when your kids are wearing the same clothes from the previous day and they slept in them but they still look alright so you leave them on em.

19-when you come home and you take a whiff, and realise you forgot to throw away that poopy diaper.

20-when your dish washer is filled with only sippy cups and bottles

21-when Play House Disney is over, you find yourself watching Hannah Montana and you Like it

22-when you ignore that loud banging- if it's not glass being broken, no harm no fowl.

23- when you keep smelling something and then you realise its your armpit- you need a shower and haven't had one in 2-3 days

24-you have marker and pen drawn all over your your arms and legs.

25- when the pen scribbles all over the wall suddenly doesn't look so bad

26-when you are going out for ice cream at 10 in the morning

27-when the people at Burger King know you from the previous day(s)

28- did I feed my kids? is the Floor messy? Yes , I fed my kids.


30- when your normal voice is a yelling voice

31-when you have to stock up on Ketchup and Ovaltine

32-when you find yourself sprinting outside, to catch the ice cream man -for yourself not the kids

Saturday, July 26, 2008

1980's-1990's -perms and Mullets

I've been watching Pretty in Pink, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and 16 Candles, Better off Dead, and The Goonies. etc.... (those movies are kind of a comfort... i dunno why).

So, I've come to the conclusion that the Perms, the Big Bangs, Blue mascara and Eye shadow, the styles ;ALL OF IT... was the cause of the Great Wall of China being built!!!

Now I know that it was built 100's of years ago but,some how those Buddhist monks saw the western Culture and had a vision of the 1980's and knew that they would someday follow our lead in the fashion world! So any possible way that they could postpone that happening to their culture would be the best thing.

The 1980's in general was just a horrible Earth Quake of Ugly (maybe that's when Scientology was 'created' hmmm, just a thought)

If you don't agree with, me ask yourself this.... Did you ever sport the Mullet or a Poofy Perm? Do you or did you know anyone that had a mullet and or Perm (yes both together). And, how ginormous were those Shoulder pads?? Did you like the Rose Musk perfume?

even the Early 1990's (until the movie Clueless came out)fashion, was pretty Ug.

My sister Megan Wore Tights Under her Shorts (I'm also guilty). I wore Stirrups with tie die shirts, saddle shoes, And Ginormous Big thick Brown Framed perscription Glasses ( my mom said they were really cute on me). I had Friends that Had Really Fluffy big Bangs, and I was Jealous of them (I'm obviously not anymore)

Do you remember the High waisted Mom Pant that came up over Mom's Bladder/uterous and they were tapered at the bottom of the pants to show off poof rigded white socks and brown shoes(Did Dolce and Gabanna think those up)?

Oh, and you know those Pants From 'RexKwon doe' From Napoleon Dynamite??? Those pants, those pants, those pants. My Brothers had those pants. It was Fabric that looked liked they were Spray Painted With Fluorescent Green, Pink, orange etc.
Who came up with those, Versace?

As Much as the 1980's-early 1990's were totally ugly; its an era that can deffinately help us in the future. And It's always there in Remembrance for those days we need a good laugh - or to be humiliated by a highschool picture.

Thanks for reading. Just thought of writing something other than tylers deployment bla bla bla

Friday, July 25, 2008

Diet coke Anyone???

Well last night was the first night with out Tyler being here. I let Ryker sleep with me in our KING sized bed. But With Ryker in it, it felt like sharing a Twin sized bed. That little stinker kept me awake. I need a diet coke ( the Mormon Coffee). I'm listening to Justin Nozuka- after tonight. --- because after tonight i'm gonna need a nap in the morning he he

Well lets see.... Ryker has been doing very well with his potty training and going PEE in the potty. He even woke up last night and went pee and came back to bed. But when it Comes to POO.... OMG KILL ME. I've washed 3 pairs of Thomas the Train underwear as they werecasualties of war with Rykers poopshoop. I've thrown away two Brave Soldiers ( spiderman and a plain white pair of underwear). They were so brave... they both said to me: don't put your other laundry at risk on our account, we are too damaged. I agreed so I put them to rest in our outside Garbage can. They were officially laid to rest at the dump yesterday afternoon ( imagine hearing the song Taps). I just don't understand why he wont go poop on the pot! Oh well at least it will keep me busy... I also need to go rent a carpet cleaner ( for other reasons than poop)

Anyway, Last night I thought I heard some noise outside; apparently Dexter ( my huge German shepherd) did too, because he started barking (his very furious sounding bark) and the noise outside stopped. I feel totally safe with my big ole puppy.

Does it ever feel like after you've cleaned every inch of your house there are still toys everywhere??? It feels like a zoo (now i'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel-at the zoo.... some how feels fitting)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

is it a dream? or REALITY

Good morning!!!

two nights ago I was kinda in a panic, I'd been trying to get my 3 year old to potty train, for over 6 months (approx)! I wouldn't be panicked exept he's supposed to be potty trained for his next year of preschool which starts in about 2-3 weeks ( Aug 11).

well i was listening to some calming music ( michael nyman- the piano soundtrack) and it Popped into my head!!!

the grand idea
I grabbed my One year old and took off his diaper and sat him down on the trainer potty. And I said good job Phoenix!!! Well Ryker saw it and Practically pushed him off of the little potty and took of his trainers and went pee in the potty!

The next day ryker went and got his Thomas the train big boy underwear and put it on and kept them dry. He went to the potty as needed and he even went to Walmart and kept em dry! And today He kept em dry and he's gone to the potty all by him self all day!!!

I'm hoping that i'm not dreaming!!!

I've finally had some mercy put on my head!!!! ( which i'm listening too now Mercy- by Duffy)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I'm mormonish

Yesterday, we had quite an unexpected morning! It started off as your average morning. I was following tyler to a car repair place and there was a woman driving Moped in front of me. She made a right hand turn at the stop light and crashed or literally just tipped over with her moped right on top of her. Obviously I jumped out of my car and lifted it off of her. I grabbed my brand new jacket from my car and stuck it under her head. I had never seen any thing like that before. She was bleeding from her mouth and she couldn't breath. Tyler called the Paramedics and as I tried to calm her down I got her to give me her husbands phone number. I waited in the backround until Her husband came- just in case the paramedics took her away then i could tell him where to go. Anyway she should be ok a few broken bones but nothing major.

I'm glad that I didn't feel the need to hesitate to help somebody. I may not be the best person or example in the world but I'm glad that I was tought to help a person in need

I'm listening to IN THIS LIFE- by Delta Goodrem