Friday, September 12, 2008

Random Questions---HAVE YOU EVER???

As I was wondering what I should write for my next blog post a few things happend that made me think......Hmmmm has anyone else ever wondered about this or that.

So here it goes

1-HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED THAT WHEN GIVING YOUR HEIGHT AND WEIGHT; YOU ADD THAT HALF INCH FOR HEIGHT, BUT YOU TAKE OFF THAT HALF PUND FOR WEIGHT?--- I went to a doctors appt Yesterday and when I stepped on the scale and the number after the Decimal kept going up one then down one... so i said to the nurse Just take that ".5" off. Then when she asked for my height I said 5 ft 2 and then I shouted and a 1/2. She started to chuckle.

2-Have you ever had one of those dreams where you dream about a celebrity ( woman:dream about Brad Pitt; and Men: dream about Angelina Jolie). Then the next day you kinda think about it and it makes you blush and kinda feel giddy?

A few days ago I had a dream about Christian Bale. I wont get into the details, but I liked the dream. ha ha ha. The next morning I saw a Batman Commercial and Thought to myself... I really REALLy want to see that movie and I literally giggled. My sister Megan was like what's up wit chew?

3- Have you ever forgotten your own name?

A few months ago when i was in utah for my sister Megans wedding; I was either talking to my sister in law meghan or my sisters, sister in law meagan. well We started talking about how many megans there were and I started saying something like-Megan Davis Meghan Davis and Megan Badger Meagan Badger! They were like Who is the other Megan Davis? I Said ME SILLY!!! And I was completely oblivious that I was calling myself Megan.

They all looked at me like i was a stupid idiot and started laughing. I asked WHAT??? They said YOUR NAME IS MARA!!! I felt like the biggest moron.

4-Have you ever gotten lost while driving in your own neighborhood?(it doesn't count if you just moved in)

I've lived in My new house for over 2 years. I went to pick up a Pizza hut pizza the other week and made a turn for a short cut... which i've taken from the opposite direction ( I hadn't taken it in the direction I was going to before). I live only 5 min away from pizza hut... I got home 15 min later than it would have taken. I'm such a dork.

These were just a few of my 'Have you evers'. But what are yours????