Sunday, October 25, 2009

5 months later...........

It's been quite awhile since i've updated my blog.
it feels like years. ( that's what Warner Robins does to a person- it ages them LoL just kidding)

Actually a lot has happened though!!!! We went on a Vay-cay to Disney world (it Rained the whole time but it was still fun)- My family made it fun Meg, dusty, Lonny, Molly, Mea, Bodee and My mom and Dad all went. We all had fun despite the Monsoon.

Then Ryker Cut the tip of his finger off!!! i mean like the whole tip GONE his bone was sticking out!!! That was CRAZY!!!

I ran my first 5k (and have run a total of 4 so far with a 2nd place trophy WHOOT WHOOT).

Our only Friends moved to Germany (very sad for us)

And phoenix has been giving me a run for my money since he's turned 2. All of a sudden he thinks (or he is ??) king of the Castle.

Ryker is in Pre-K and playing Soccer and is totally into super-hero's and stuff ( he's gonna be Optimus Prime for Halloween).

Phoenix is SASSY (which is an Understatement) He's talkin and has the cutest little voice I love it. We've been trying to get him to pee in the Potty and He WILL NOT do it. He pee'd in the toy box though ha ha ha ha.

They play together really well they love each other. they are good brothers, and they collaborate very well ( both very sneaky)

They are both HUGE!! but they are still my babies.

Ty is still workin, doin the same old same old.

and I'm still ready to move lol (what else is new jk).
Actually I started working part time- got back into the beauty Biz. and I'm a yoga teacher in Training too. so I have like 2 part time jobs.

I was sooo bored so it's nice to do something i wanna do and see a reward for it ( $$$$$$$).

anyway that's a bit of an update

Love to ALL of yuh's

Saturday, May 16, 2009

At Least I know it's doin Its Job.....

Yesterday was going pretty smoothly. I only had one more day till Ty got home.  All I had to do was Survive Friday without any incident.  It was going to be a busy day and The boys would be pooped when we were all done.

   I got up with the boys and went to the gym and then ran some errands, then went to Mc D's with a good friend and her kids.  The day was good; I mean, there was whining and fussing but, no more than the norm-so I could handle it.
By the time we got home it was 2:00 and the boys were oober tired and ready for naptime!!!

Yay!!!   Both of the boys went in their rooms without a fuss!
I didn't hear anything from either boy at all!  It was sooo nice!

My plan to stay busy all morning worked! Almost home free!  Ty would be home in 23 hours. Now I just had to survive post nap time and dinner then I'm home free!!!

But during my relaxation time, I started to smell a Mint type smell.  It started getting stronger and stronger and then I could put my finger to what the smell, smelled like.... it smelled like and Icy-hot smell.   

We don't have Icy-hot; what smells like Icy-hot??? OH NO.  Desitin ointment smells like Icy-hot!!!!!

I ran to Rykers bedroom -  The Source of the Smell!!!  I opened his door and found him covered HEAD to TOE in Desitin Cream!  It was also smeared all over his Headboard and some blankets!

Thank goodness for my Lax day or else I would have been in another Rage of Fury.   Ryker, did you make a Mess????  Yes mommy Ryker makin a Mess.

I laughed my butt off and ran to grab the camera.  
I took a few pictures and then started a bath for ryker.

Wow!  That stuff really doesn't come off!!  It took me soooo long to get it off!!!  I washed him over and over and over again!   It's still in his hair!   And I started Smelling like Desitin, then my arms started to feel cool and tingly!    

Our house smelled like desitin for the rest of the day.  Thankfully it's now only smelling like that in Ryker's room.

right now it's 1:30  Ryker is in his bedroom for nap time.  I need to get tyler at 3.   Lets hope nothing happens in an Hour and a half!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lackadaisical - Mothers Day

I love my Primary Calling as Secretary .   I love being in there with all of the kids.   This last sunday ( Mothers Day) Was quite rowdy however.

With, all of the coloring and song singing during sharing time all of the kids were pretty wound up, because of Mothers day.   So we finally get the children to calm down for a bit, then it was time to sing the "Builder Song"  I am a builder working......

So Sister Rowland says to the Jr. Primary- It's time to sing the "Builders Song" and all of the Kids (and I mean all of em) yell/sing simultaneously "BOB THE BUILDER CAN HE FIX IT BOB THE BUILDER YES HE CAN."   

I didn't help any by laughing my butt off.   What a great example of reverence I am he he he.  It was HI-larious.

So Tyler has been in Las Vegas since Last week (for work).   So he wasn't here for Mothers Day (he left me a card that i wasn't to open till mothers day... I opened it Mothers day and it was an Olive garden gift card YAY!!!)
Since I took the boys to church by myself, and endured them alone; I thought it would be the best Mothers day Present to have a Nap.

My boys are generally routine when taking naps.   I got home from church POOPED, but ready to feed them lunch and put them to bed.    They Obviously read my mind, by seeming to know that I wanted a nap.   So they wouldn't eat lunch and they would most definitely NOT take a nap!  
I finally got Phoenix down- with milk ( since he wouldn't eat anything) and a nice little body massage (spoiled rotten!!!) at about 1:30. 
                                     And Then it was time to Battle Ryker
After being firm in saying NO MORE TOYS NAP TIME; I dragged Him into his room, while screaming at the top of his lungs TOYS MAMA TOYS, CHOCOLATE MILK MAMA, TOONS.
I got him into bed, and I shut the door.   He was still screaming.   He screamed and cried for a good 10 min.   He Usually falls asleep after that.  

So I finally heard- SILENCE- Awe silence... I will fall asleep.   I drifted off to sleep.   
I got my Mothers Day nap.   A very Short Mothers day Nap.   

Ryker woke me up by saying- Mama change my diaper ( he has to wear a diaper to bed even though he's potty trained for the day).   So I take a deep breath and realize he was POOPY.  YUCK!  Okay Ryker go get undies and Wipes.

The wipes are in Phoenix's room, and phoenix was still taking a nap.   Ryker took the Liberty of Waking Phoenix up from his nap, while getting the wipes.  YAY!   

I start rolling out of bed, then notice that there is something on my upper arm!   What is this??? It looked like Sand.    Ryker came back with the wipes.   He had the "Sand" all over his Face.     It smelled sweet and looked light brown.   OH CRAP. My suspicions are 1- I don't think Ryker took a nap and 2- I think he got into something.   

I rush to the Kitchen I was Correct On both 1 and 2.   Tupperware, lots and lots of Tupperware was all over the kitchen floor, complimented by Brown sugar.    Brown sugar Here, brown sugar there, Brown sugar EVERYWHERE.   

after taking in that I had to clean up the sticky mess... I noticed a faint sugary trail of BS ( because that's what it is, is "BS" lol) leading into the living room, then to the back hall, around the corner and into Rykers Room.   JACKPOT- a Dreaded Jackpot.   More BS all over his room, on his fuzzy-ish batman chair all over his carpet, on his bed sticky spoons on the floor, he even filled his sippy cup to the top of brown sugar; and even took the time to screw the lid back on. 

Infuriation.  I was so raging mad, I couldn't even speak and my head was sooo hot.  I put shoes on the boys; packed them up in the car; backed out of the garage;called olive garden ordered food; drove, to calm myself down; picked up my comfort food ( since it was a gift card it was prepaid so its ok that it was on a sunday); then headed home with a breadstick in my mouth.

When I got home.... I realized how Hilarious it was.   Thank goodness for:  good food, good husbands,good parents/in-laws who listen, and crazy kids who help me learn daily.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day, Mara!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wow wow Wubzie!!!!

Growing up in Utah and Being a Mormon- no one really ridicules you for you're religion.  Because everyone in Utah EVERYONE is Mormon.- So the only thing they'd ridicule you for is not having your scriptures at church last sunday.

When I moved down here to GA, I had heard that Lots of the Southern Baptists Hated Mormons, and it was around the time when all of the Polygamy stuff was going on down in Texas.  I mean they teach that we are evil and that they would rather be friends with a Possible terrorist muslim than a mormon.

Well I never really met any of those people before at all.   Or if I have, they didn't know that I was mormon.

In Feb. I started at a New Gym.   I love everyone there.  They are all so friendly and I've made many new friends etc.  
After  a class one day a few of us were just chattin about church (like fundraisers, and stuff), then they asked me where I went to church and I said "I go to the Mormon church down on draper St".    

Literally after I said that, they all got quiet and quickly changed the subject and from then on they don't talk to me very much at all!!!  It's really Insane!!!  I never knew that, that would happen to me!!!   

I mean the way that it happend was sooo small.  I didn't Jump on the Tables and Claim that  they were all Sinners!!!   just-" I'm Mormon", made them uncomfortable enough for them to not want to talk to me anymore.... It's just sooo odd.

I continue to just keep being super duper nice, but getting a glimpse of that "hatred" was really weird.   
It opened my eyes a bit.  I just feel sad for those people.   Not liking someone because of their religion.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


It's always fun to Rhyme with Peoples names.   So We always Rhymed with Rykers name: Ryker the Hiker, Striker, Biker.

But whenever we Said Ryker the Striker We always thought that, we would be saying it at his Soccer games, or Football games, or Baseball games.

But It gives new meaning Now that he's like a 3 yr old professional bowler. ha ha ha

Its sooo cute.  He is sooo serious about it too.  He grabs his red ball ; He walks up a bit, then Pauses, then Runs up and LETS the ball Roll.    

All though they all have bumpers Most of the time his ball just goes straight down the center of the lane.   It's shocking at how well he does for a 3yr old.   He gets at least one strike every saturday and a good 3-4 spares!  

I'm not a soccer mom!!! I'm a Bowling Mom ha  ha ha ha.    I'm sooo proud!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I looked out the window and what did I see??????

Well I guess  I have been putting this off for a awhile.   Well Heres a bit of an update.

Ryker is the Highscorer at his PW-Bumper Bowling league!   He got two strikes and two spares in one game !!!! I"m sooo proud!    Its funny that - this isn't like soccer or foot ball or track -- but Bowling!   Its really cute.

Well So after having Ryker being my Cling-on at  church ( for primary)-  It's probably a good thing that they asked me to be the Primary Secretary.  ha ha ha!   It should be pretty funny but I'll do my best.

Today at church the lesson in R.S.  was about having  prayers answered before you ever even asked the prayer; and how they come in a  step by step  way to achieve whatever it is you are trying to .-Does that make sense?-

Well in my case.   The past few weeks  I had been trying to better myself personally and spiritually ( i have been down for a long long time)  I thought it was time for me to spiritually boost myself up.     Well step by step I was getting better ( listening to my scriptures),  doing more with my children, and (a really tough one for me ) being social.

I have never been much of a social person before but a friend asked me over for breakfast the other day and Usually I would say no but I enthusiastically said YES (big step for me)
  I said to her I would love to come over.    When  I went over I noticed many many many Crosses on her walls and in every room- so I asked if she was Catholic.   She said yes.   And So I said to her-  You probably didn't even know this but I'm Mormon And she said REally??? I had no idea!!!

And for some reason my mind was soo clear at what I was able to say  ( when she was going to ask questions about our church)-- but usually my mind is cluttered and I wouldn't be able to answer questions or anything.    She asked me if We believed in the Holy Trinity and I said Well We Believe that they (in the Trinity are Separate beings- Heavenly Father Jesus Christ and the Holy ghost)  and I told her We believe the bible and then I also said somepeople are confused about the BoM.  But We believe that its ANOTHER testament of Jesus christ here in the Americas  and that it goes Hand in Hand. .....  She said that makes complete sense... because she thought that Mormons just rewrote the bible completely. And that We believe that the Prophet and apostles had been restored back on the earth etc.  It was very positive and enlightning experience and  to myself to know that I had the guts and the knowledge to say what I knew about the church! Especially with out getting tongue tied.  And it was a Positive thing!  

I'm proud of myself.

Another step by step---- At Rykers Bowling league there is a little girl named Jordyn on his lane.  He little sister was there too.  I was cheering on Jordyn a lot and everytime she did really well she came and gave me a sweet hug!   And then when her little sister wanted to bowl She started fussin and her mom looked stressed so she put her girl down and she reached her arms out for me and I started playing a little bouncy game on my knee and she was smiling and giggling and laughing!  

So I think that these things ( these steps) have been leading up to something- well being a Primary Sec.  and  Also being so bold to introduce myself to a New woman who was just baptised a few weeks ago--- it turns out that Tyler was her instructor just a few weeks ago!!!  Wow another step for me!!!

Now I see why these step by step guides help us!  It's pretty crazy to thing of me doing all of these positive things in my life right now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

the winegar family dressed to kill

I brought back (from my utah) some home videos

One is of me and my childhood and one is of Megans.

I watched mine today in Rykers room ( his tv is the only connected to a VCR-dvd Combo).  

It was soo fun to see all the funny things I did when i was little.  

On my video - It had lots of my birthdays and one of our Christmas Eve party type thingy from like the early 90's.  My family was sooo young.  My oldest brother Cory ,Had to only be 16 years old.   He and Weston had these hair cuts that were borderline Mullet.   Megan had her hair All over the place and kept stealing the camera shots saying Hi Mommy then giggling!  Holly had long blond hair.  Jordan had longer Curly hair and it was curly and he had such a young voice too!

My mom had like a bowl cut,  My dad's hair was Black! and My grandma and grandpa were so young!  Hearing my grandpa speak in it was sooo crazy!! He sounded sooo young!!

It seems that hair is the one thing that's stuck in my memory

And When I caught glimpse of me!  I had these HUGE brown glasses on my face!   It was sooo hilarious!!!  i was this small little girl with long hair ( all over the place) with HUGE brown thick frames!!!

We were all wearing bedtime robes and my brothers were wearing towels on their heads and My dad was the donkey and My sister Holly was Mary.   It was sooo funny!
But it brought back many many many memories.   

In one of the clips of video my mom caught me singing in the bath tub ( i was prolly only about 4 yrs old).    I was singing the little mermaid and splashing around  like one too.    Then I started singing I am a child of God  when I noticed her taping .... then I said MOM.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I've got all these things runnin around my head :-)

I love it when it rains hard core here at night when i'm not planning on going anywhere.

It rains sooo hard, it sounds like a waterfall outside our doors and windows.   Then the lightning is sooo close and the thuder is soooo loud!!!! I love it.  That's one thing I like about GA.  

if you live or have lived in Utah then you Know that wonderful Sage brush smell after a rain  I love that sage brush smell. It is so sweet and sooo fresh!!!!  Just like using Zest and being Zestfully clean.   

Well The next morning after a rain here- you get this potent smell of Poop.   ha ha ha  The pipes are closer to the surface here -not like in utah where they are deep deep in the ground).    

Awwwe  the nice smell of poop to start the day.  Would you like a baby wipey with that??? Or hand sanitizer?  Or Lysol?    Well my solution to the problem - I like to put those car fresheners (the ones shaped like trees) around my neck so I can smell that instead of the poop.

I know this is pretty random, but that's just how I roll I guess.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Don't worry you're confused.

today I thought- Do people want to really know what goes inside my head????  So I thought I'll type exactly what I am thinking..... you'll prolly get confused because inside my head my thoughts jump from place to place.

South park is sooo funny!
Lola dangit you need to go potty - i'm too tired to take you.  maybe if i wait long enough ty will take her.

Did i record Greys Anatomy? Hopefully its on HD and not regular TV.
Should I got to Victoria Secret when Ty flies on Friday?

Oh ya I need to pay ryker and spikes tuition this week don't forget, don't forget don't forget.

should I make the Ahi Tuna salad tomorrow?  Ya or else the Avocados will go bad.

Man these commericals suck down here but they still make me laugh.
Ty do you have chapstick?

Oh crap he's goin to sleep i have to take lola out.

ha ha ha why do farts always make me laugh?  
ok i'm gonna take lola out Now 
maybe not Now, Now, but Now???? No hold on.

This episode of South park is funny but stupid.     Oooo I want to go to Mellow Mushroom for pizza YUM.
Oh wait Luigis sounds good too!   Crap I need to wax my mustache, I'll have to write that down so I don't forget -which is funny because If i see it I shouldn't forget. 

Wow I'm tired.  Dangit Rykers school starts early and I should go to bed!   Ok ok ok I'm going to For reals take lola out then go to bed

ha ha ha ha ha i totally farted I could feel it comin but I thought it was poo.  I need a snack.  Dont get a snack dont get a snack -new year resolution- new year resolution- new year resolution.

ok lola lets go potty

good night for reals though because I'm really gonna take lola out

Monday, January 5, 2009

Um , Ya, about that....

I decided To be Less Selfish this year  and um, It's not working out so well.   OOPS!

well My real Resolution was to be more positive, So I think that being selfish would qualify under that category.

Ty and I were having a conversation about him and work and I immediately turned it around to me!  And It didn't affect me in the least!!!  Wow, Right!!

So since I'm attempting at more positivity I was really shocked at how fast I turned the conversation around and bla bla bla.  
Thankfully I noticed!

I may not be doing the best job of it but I guess I did a tiny bit of a good one at trying out my resolution.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

im sorry, it's prolly rude!!! but i'm gonna say it anyway

Ok OK  OK !!

I was just thinking about this..... Its kinda random!!!!!

But you know when you Hear, like a black woman say..." I went through 20 hours labor and  Brought you into this world!!!! You Know I will TAKE YOU OUT"!!!!!

Well I was thinking because, like someday Ty and I would love to adopt a girl if we can!!!
And adoption costs a lot of money!!!!

So I was thinking  --- Do people who adopt say:  Girl I Paid  $50,000 to bring you to this country and I want a Refund!!!  or Do they say like you have to pay me back??? or what????  I dunno just something I was pondering!!!