Thursday, February 19, 2009

the winegar family dressed to kill

I brought back (from my utah) some home videos

One is of me and my childhood and one is of Megans.

I watched mine today in Rykers room ( his tv is the only connected to a VCR-dvd Combo).  

It was soo fun to see all the funny things I did when i was little.  

On my video - It had lots of my birthdays and one of our Christmas Eve party type thingy from like the early 90's.  My family was sooo young.  My oldest brother Cory ,Had to only be 16 years old.   He and Weston had these hair cuts that were borderline Mullet.   Megan had her hair All over the place and kept stealing the camera shots saying Hi Mommy then giggling!  Holly had long blond hair.  Jordan had longer Curly hair and it was curly and he had such a young voice too!

My mom had like a bowl cut,  My dad's hair was Black! and My grandma and grandpa were so young!  Hearing my grandpa speak in it was sooo crazy!! He sounded sooo young!!

It seems that hair is the one thing that's stuck in my memory

And When I caught glimpse of me!  I had these HUGE brown glasses on my face!   It was sooo hilarious!!!  i was this small little girl with long hair ( all over the place) with HUGE brown thick frames!!!

We were all wearing bedtime robes and my brothers were wearing towels on their heads and My dad was the donkey and My sister Holly was Mary.   It was sooo funny!
But it brought back many many many memories.   

In one of the clips of video my mom caught me singing in the bath tub ( i was prolly only about 4 yrs old).    I was singing the little mermaid and splashing around  like one too.    Then I started singing I am a child of God  when I noticed her taping .... then I said MOM.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I've got all these things runnin around my head :-)

I love it when it rains hard core here at night when i'm not planning on going anywhere.

It rains sooo hard, it sounds like a waterfall outside our doors and windows.   Then the lightning is sooo close and the thuder is soooo loud!!!! I love it.  That's one thing I like about GA.  

if you live or have lived in Utah then you Know that wonderful Sage brush smell after a rain  I love that sage brush smell. It is so sweet and sooo fresh!!!!  Just like using Zest and being Zestfully clean.   

Well The next morning after a rain here- you get this potent smell of Poop.   ha ha ha  The pipes are closer to the surface here -not like in utah where they are deep deep in the ground).    

Awwwe  the nice smell of poop to start the day.  Would you like a baby wipey with that??? Or hand sanitizer?  Or Lysol?    Well my solution to the problem - I like to put those car fresheners (the ones shaped like trees) around my neck so I can smell that instead of the poop.

I know this is pretty random, but that's just how I roll I guess.